I did not write the article I have linked, I am only sharing it.
I have posted some longer quotes from Huey P. Newton’s work Revolutionary Suicide in the thread for people’s reference. I find the following quote represents the idea that refusal to submit to and resistance against the military-prison industrial complex is revolutionary suicide. Bushnell’s actions show that he was refusing complicity.
My prison experience is a good example of revolutionary suicide in action, for prison is a microcosm of the outside world. From the beginning of my sentence I defied the authorities by refusing to cooperate; as a result, I was confined to “lock-up,” a solitary cell. As the months passed and I remained steadfast, they came to regard my behavior as suicidal. I was told that I would crack and break under the strain. I did not break, nor did I retreat from my position. I grew strong.
If I had submitted to their exploitation and done their will, it would have killed my spirit and condemned me to a living death. To cooperate in prison meant reactionary suicide to me. While solitary confinement can be physically and mentally destructive, my actions were taken with an understanding of the risk. I had to suffer through a certain situation; by doing so, my resistance told them that I rejected all they stood for. Even though my struggle might have harmed my health, even killed me, I looked upon it as a way of raising the consciousness of the other inmates, as a contribution to the ongoing revolution. Only resistance can destroy the pressures that cause reactionary suicide.
I have seen the project shared in other spaces before. The case studies from different countries and the multilingual resources are quite useful. Just consult multiple other resources on a given subject if you can.