The prescreen test is failed. But the interview have no response yet.
Likely failed too. This economic people demand a lot of skill while paying so little.
You know, if all of business become picky when hiring, we can hire for cheap.
The prescreen test is failed. But the interview have no response yet.
Likely failed too. This economic people demand a lot of skill while paying so little.
You know, if all of business become picky when hiring, we can hire for cheap.
I have a interview this morning with company A while learnt that I just failed the pre-screening test for company B yesterday.
dynamic pricing, perhaps. Depend on who is looking, the price on e-tag will display to match the ability to pay of that customer. If you are rich, then price increase.
weww, I just notice this. Now it’s really creepy
yo, did you modify the html page to make this meme ?
… as it is on reddit …
the smell of wood.
I am super into Story of Season.
Wew, office job wear me down. I need refresh.
I would pick a farm life over office job on city if I can make a bunch of gold like i did in Story of Season.
I think when people sign their paper to get the card.
I have these when I was young. Push the button, air blow in then blow the ring up.,
We, the middle class, never reach this new kind of living due to capitalism greed.
Body shaming a girl, then said she need a product
A good alarm clock might work.
When I am studying at university, a dude actually buy CCleaner. I wonder how he got scammed.
Any summary bot ?
lot of subreddit doesn’t move yet. Move a communities is not easy. If the community is your business (game, company specific, or fandom, movie, …) moving is lot more difficult.
Just make a disposable email (use 10 minutes email) and sign up with a random name.
It worked for now until they block 10 tmp email .
Yeah creepy. But I wonder what they can do with that information. For example, if I am a girl but they assign me as a boy, what can happen to me ?
So, what is $3200 for. Is it all the damage, or cost of have someone fix your damage, or cost car repair ?