• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I agree there appear to be very good reasons not to use these.

    Foling at 500kmph (edit: more like 250kmph by the looks of it) 10 metres above the water seems to just be inherently bonkers as a means of mass transportation given the very limited room for error/failure that results in everyone on board being instantly killed. Planes and helicopters can glide/autorotate, ships move slower.

    The 3d mock ups and carefully shot video of the first flight (that obscures the fact it’s a very small scale model prototype) suggest vapour ware scam startup.

    Honestly for the love of god, can we just have trains?

  • And the settings ever since windows 10, like the main interface is the slick new style but it doesn’t provide all settings info, so it ends up back into the old layout/control panel that traces back to windows 95 (but is still better). It’s all just a mess as far as ui goes.

    I switched to Linux again for my home laptop last year and pretty much use it full time. The only major sticking point for me is ms office - libreoffice feels like office 2003 and you can never be confident a libreoffice docx is going to look the same when someone opens what you’ve sent them in ms office.

    Plus when I troubleshoot in Linux I can use the terminal and feel like a real hackerman™ (even if I am mostly just copying stuff off Google).

  • I like the idea of a weekly megathread type thing.

    I agree that the daily threads don’t seem well suited to the number of people on here. One of the good things about here is that conversations can carry on across multiple days, unlike reddit was where stuff got buried very quickly.

    But having a daily thing sorta sends the message that that thread is done after that day. Sometimes I’ll read something from an old daily and think of replying, but then think “nah its moved on” because of this.

  • It doesnt have to be large amounts of complete non attendance. Regular attendance is defined as attending for more than 90 per cent of the term. Terms are about 10 weeks so 50 days, to be counted in the non attendance figures you have to miss five days in a term. A couple of illnesses can easily knock kids under that, not that there aren’t more long term absences for other reasons as well.

    On illness, term 2 2022 is the middle of our biggest covid outbreak when omicron got in and all the rules were being relaxed. Attendance has gone up again since then but is still lower than pre covid. Seems cynical that Seymour would pick this period as the end point when these stats were being collected until term 3 last year.

  • Yeah maybe but in honesty, all this hand wringing about the messaging and the “right way” to protest is just a derailing tactic that comes up no matter what people do.

    Protesting too many things at once? Not focused enough

    Protesting one big thing? Too vague, not practical enough

    Doing a peaceful march, signalled ahead of time in coordination with the authorities? Useless, what does it achieve

    Carrying out civil disobedience? How dare you interrupt people’s daily lives, this only hurts your cause

    Etc etc etc. I feel like if people actually care about the underlying cause they have to move past just doing their best political pundit impression about the optics and they how think it plays with the public, as if they’re somehow above it all

  • Because the fundamental thing about climate activism is you can’t just separate the environment from everyone and everything that happens within it. This includes political structures, which is why the voting age thing is in there.

    I don’t understand how this isn’t more self evident to people when the most common point that comes up about personal solutions to reduce your emissions like EVs and solar panels etc is that many people can’t afford them. This speaks to more than just ‘environmental stuff’ being part of addressing climate change.