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Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • This is both cool and scary.

    A few years ago, I was walking my dog at night just after sunset and looked up as I normally do to star gaze. My eyes caught a glimpse of a fast moving dot moving across the sky. I was getting the ISS reminders at the time and had none for the day, so I opened up Sky Guide and used the gyro feature to identify it. The dot happened to be an old Soviet rocket from the 1950s.

    This opened up a different way of thinking about how much we’re tossing into the sky, and if objects are still floating by some 70 years later, what will our sky look like in another 70 with the accelerated launches we have today.

    The advancements we’ve made as a human race is amazing, but quite scary at the same time.

  • Clear is now a TSA “vendor” for the precheck process. The machines they use for the sign up process - at least the airport I was at - don’t have the eye scanning camera in the kiosk.

    The Clear representative I was asking questions of had said they don’t require eye scans for Clear, though that is the default. People can ask to use just fingerprints, which he said does disrupt the terminal process as the agents don’t think to ask if fingerprints were what was registered when the eye scans fail.

    I am not advocating for Clear. I refuse to use them. I simply do want to call out that they are one of 3 who handle the process for the TSA now. People do have a choice of which of the three to use.

  • I was a Radioman in the Navy, and some coworkers and I had gone to see Cider House Rules in the theater.

    There’s a scene where they come to inform someone that a plane with a loved one on board had been shot down.

    To quote the movie:

    When the plane was hit, the crew chief and the radioman jumped close together. The copilot jumped third.

    We immediately started laughing when we heard that, because we were told that the Radiomen are some of the last to leave a sinking ship due to needing to destroy the cryptographic material. Hearing that a Radioman was one of the first to bail was too good to us…

  • I hope for the best! Sounds so sad, but you being strong may give him a chance.

    I have a little guy I adopted. He checked out of the shelter fine, but as soon as we got him home, he wouldn’t eat. We tried different things and tried what the vet advised us to do. Three days and he ate nothing. Became fairly lethargic and barely responsive.

    We started force feeding wet/pate cat food and baby food through a syringe. He fought slightly, but ate it and kept it down. Then one day I just happen to be working with some shredded chicken in the kitchen and he came over and meowed at me. I gave him a little and he actively ate it himself. I gave more and more and he ate all that too. I went to the store and grabbed a couple cans of wet shredded chicken cat food, brought it home and served it to him. He ate it up.

    It was such a relief to see. That was a year and 5 months ago and he’s doing amazing. He still meows at me when I’m in the kitchen at lunchtime because he wants a little bowl of his chicken shreds, as that time of day is when I usually made it up for him when he was a kitten.