LOL! It’s President Felon, he is for sale from anyone with cash. He sells NFTs, steaks, gold shoes, bankrupts casinos and cheats on his taxes. Saudia Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Russia, etc., are paying him.
LOL! It’s President Felon, he is for sale from anyone with cash. He sells NFTs, steaks, gold shoes, bankrupts casinos and cheats on his taxes. Saudia Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Russia, etc., are paying him.
The plan was always to take it over and build $$$$$$$$$$ condos for the money laundering of the criminals wealthy.
Total alcoholic trailer trash party!
He’s not an employee of the Federal Government. This is completely illegal. And he’s a psychopathic junkie so…
I hunt perky ‘morning people’.
Destroying America one State at a time, exactly what putin hired him to do.
Who is trusting this christian hypocrite?
Donald blames the squirrels on the White House lawn for the global economy crashing. He will pull anything out of his ass, sorry, meant diaper.
Ghonna Reah.
This rapist doesn’t even know what a condom looks like.
When you translate the word Nazi from German to English, it becomes Maga. You’re Welcome!
I was going to give up eating this year anyway. Food just takes too long to buy, cook & eat.
Bunch of liars. More like Two-face-book! Amirite?
Much later in the day, not pictured… a huge black & red swastika was painted there.
Wait until fox news becomes federally funded and the official lies news of the government.
Flake Superior, duh!
Pree-vee-yet droog!
Christianity is a hate cult, your children will be indoctrinated!
My frying pan has wifi. And yes I get weird looks in Walmart when I stroll in only wearing a carbon steel pan… around my neck. O_o
The “American Dream” is about convincing people to work for low wages, go into massive debt, and buy things you cannot actually afford (property, education, vehicles, things to fill and fix your house, have a huge family), so that the wealthy can get rich of the slave labor and perpetual debt people incur. The true dream is to live within your means, unionize, create consumer protection & privacy laws, fight back and fairly tax the wealthy, corporations and religion.