Check out the movie In The Heart of the Sea. Got moderate reviews, but you might find something about it you enjoy.
Check out the movie In The Heart of the Sea. Got moderate reviews, but you might find something about it you enjoy.
Melville opens his epic sea faring tale by stating people are inexplicably drawn to the sea. I think it is due to one of the most painful, drawn out, and reoccuring emotion: regret.
Not everybody, according to some of the comments in this very post.
You have more in common with those soldiers than you do with the warpigs pulling the strings that led them to their deaths.
“Hey, let’s go eat the rich, soldier!”
-Karlach from my daydreams
True! And what a way to find out you’re into pegging.
Right, what if that prostate massage has your legs all shakey?
Haven’t you heard? Autocracy is all the rage these days. Just where have you been, darling?