• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • There is !reddead@lemmy.world, but it’s pretty quiet. You could try posting there to get some of that content going. It’s a bit of a vicious cycle, though - the lack of content drives people away, leading to less content.

    I will say that even in smaller communities I find that people are quite helpful here with questions, which is great.

    It does seem like the post reddit boom of interaction and growth has waned, thought, and many of the communities that were starting to grow are now much quieter than they were a few weeks ago. I think that the lemmy.world downtime for so long really drove people away, which is a shame.

  • Black out shades for the nursery if you don’t have them… We live at a pretty northern latitude and in the summer the kid would never sleep! There are some cheap ones that suction cup to the windows, which are great for travel too and won’t break the bank.

    We bought one color changing smart lightbulb for the nursery lamp and it was a great idea. You can turn it red and still be able to see when you come in at night, like a darkroom, while still being able to navigate the room and not trip over stuff.

    Echoing the white noise machine. A cheap smart speaker (Google mini) can also be useful - you can adjust the volume from outside the room; there are ton of white noise podcasts, and if your kid likes music instead, you can start with that and switch to white noise.

  • We did that for a number of years and they do work OK. Two or three years ago, we finally broke down and bought standalone air purifiers when we had a newborn. I know they’re expensive, but if you get them off season they’re much cheaper. Might consider it if you’re going to be in Seattle for the long haul, unfortunately… They work well, are pretty energy efficient, and are much quieter than the box fans.

  • I am guessing it’s in the range of £100-125m. Bayern seem to have overplayed their hand a bit, thinking that Levy would feel the need to sell regardless of price, and coming in with multiple bids under the asking price. I wouldn’t be shocked if they blink and pay up, but it seems like Levy may be content to keep him. If he goes for free next year, it’s a lot of potential revenue lost, but Spurs are in fine financial shape (it’s not a Barca situation). And Levy seems to think that there’s some small chance that he stays & signs a new contract, if the year with Ange goes well and he likes the direction of the team. Seems remote to me unless Spurs win the league or something absurd like that happens.