• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • The US has been on a governance crisis for some time now. It is slow and gradual, but they already had a coup attempt. It is the sort of things that is surreal and only possible to see when you look at it from a multi decades POV. Like Asimov’s foundation, it will take centuries and lots of things can happen in the mean time, but you can already see the empire imploding, rotting from within. Rome took almost 3 centuries to fall, and it was more like an erosion rather than crumble. I can see something similar.

  • Suit evolution is quite an interesting topic. The first known card decks were usually made of several hundreds of cards and were not standardized, some didn’t even have suits. Symbols, images and shapes varied greatly as they were usually hand painted. This European suits are offshoots of Islamic suits. Most likely, each of these suit styles was an attempt to standardize some game or production at different historical points in time and through the interpretation by entirely different artists. The common theory for French abstraction is that they are much simpler symbols which are faster and easier to reproduce in large quantities. Particularly easy to engrave on the first woodwork prints for mass production.

  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtohmmm@lemmy.worldHmmm
    2 days ago

    A good friend liked to go to these kind of rhetorical legal battles with the school and the dress code. It was hilarious. She used neon green hair for three months due to a weird wording on some rule or another about colored hair. Then they would change it to something more restrictive but she would find the loopholes and challenge them again. She once got us to loan her our watches and wore over 20 wrist watches due to a stupid rule about bracelets. Wore all sorts of ridiculous clothes colors and patterns, and queues, horns and bunny ears. Went as a clown when they tried to regulate makeup. After two years of madness the school board called her to negotiate a truce. They removed the ancillary dress code, uniform was still mandatory but anything beyond the basic four pieces of clothing students would be free as long as it wasn’t nudity or disrupted other students. Skirts were made optional, the origin of the whole conflict. In return she was just asked to stop trying to give the poor principal a heart attack.

    She still wore colorful stuff and accessories after that. But at least she wasn’t in heated arguments during detention everyday anymore. She wanted to abolish uniform altogether but in a way she sort of won.

  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.worldEverything old is new again.
    5 days ago


    It actually just means to undercut an existing industry with venture capital, taking on a loss until the existing competition is out-priced out of the market. Then once a monopoly is established, tear down quality service, hike up prices, shaft costumers and use the money to pay huge bonuses to the executives. If the company is still profitable afterwards then just recreate the same old industry and competitors but with an iron grip monopoly. If it is not profitable, just sell the company and distribute the dividends amongst the C suite. Rinse and repeat.