• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I don’t know much about rPi specific models. For outdoor security cams I always go wired with PoE IP cams that at least have an RTSP stream, that way most standalone NVR software can work with them.

    Not a fan of wireless/battery security cameras. I do have one wireless indoor cam, but it’s only to check on the toddler when she’s sleeping, it doesn’t record so no constant stream of data. I think I’m using a cheapie Amcrest out front, I haven’t really looked at cameras in awhile. Dahua’s are often recommended on places like ipcamtalk.com, but you need to look at specific models as there are a lot of them.

  • I’m not going to pretend like I’m an expert at either of these. Unraid has come a long way now that installing app containers is pretty trivial. I am going to link this reddit comment that does a pretty good ELI5: Here

    With the Coral, I think it’s literally the tensor processing unit (hence TPU) or coprocessor that is found usually on GPU’s for AI and machine learning. So you can use it with lower powered devices that can’t fit a discrete GPU or offload the processing to the TPU instead of using CPU/GPU. I think. Don’t quote me on that 😆

  • It’s running on a 10 year old xeon. I already had Unraid running as my Nas that has a bunch of docker containers for Plex, Homeassistant, etc. Deepstack is running on there as a docker container.

    FWIW, I setup my security camera 1-2 years ago, so there might be better options now. However there was also a big shortage of Coral TPU’s at the time, even though I did consider using Frigate. I ended up settling on BlueIris for recording as I wasn’t happy with what the free options offered back then. Unfortunately BlueIris is Windows only, so I picked up an ex-lease PC which runs headless just for BlueIris and storing the footage.

    I’ve been thinking lately of updating the hardware in the Nas, as there is a huge performance jump if I move to one of the new Raptor/Alder lake Intel chips with quick sync, particularly for transcoding for Plex. But it’s going to be at least a couple of grand to update everything properly, which I don’t have to spend right now :(

  • Awesome! Any decent size asian grocery should have the paste, may also be in the international section in the supermarket. Honestly I never remember to buy it in time… I doubt mine is very authentic either, I usually have the base spices on hand but not always everything. It still ends up delicious though 🤷‍♂️

    Doubanjiang would probably make it a lot more authentic, but I usually have to omit anything with chilli so the kids will eat it.

    I’m going to try and remember to pick up a jar of it next time, I haven’t been to an asian supermarket in a while though.

  • I love making it in winter, very warming and delicious. I’ve improvised it with maybe 80% of the correct ingredients before and it still tastes good. Usually omit any chilli so the kids can eat it. Our eldest is a weirdo who likes to eat noodles and pasta plain, I can usually get her to have the noodles in the soup itself, but the beef must be in a separate bowl for whatever reason 🤷‍♂️ I guess it’s like eating instant noodles that way

  • I guess it depends on which cut it is. Do you know which part it’s from? If it’s a very lean one, I don’t know how much it would help. I think sous vide works pretty well for leaner cuts though.

    Have you got a pressure cooker or multicooker? Could try making something like Taiwanese Beef Noodle soup. I guess you don’t need a pressure cooker but it makes it much quicker and less simmering to make it tender.