gay blue dog

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024


  • maybe i’m a weirdo but i actually really like this a lot. if there weren’t armies of sycophants chanting outside of all our collective windows about how AI is the future of gaming… if you look at this “game” as an art object unto itself i think it is actually really engaging

    it reminds me of other “games” like Marian Kleineberg’s Wave Function Collapse and Bananaft’s Yedoma Globula. there’s one other on the tip of my tongue where you uploaded an image and it constantly reprojected the image onto the walls of a first-person walking simulator, but i don’t recall the name

  • An opinion is still an opinion no matter how widely held it is.

    why did you even bring up your one artist friend’s opinion if you’re just gonna be like “well actually that’s just YOUR opinion” when i disagree

    yet I still refuse to call it art.

    Duchamp wants a word

    And then we have people who are attacking any use of ai images that are willing to call it “AI Art”…

    good thing i, me, the person you’re responding to, isn’t those people. makes me wonder why you even brought it up in the first place

    I believe that you believe that.

    i also believe you’re deliberately trying to be as insufferable as possible, so be sure to add that to the bizarre collection of things you think i believe while you’re at it. or better yet: don’t

  • Would you rather have a dozen back and forth interactions?

    these aren’t the only two possibilities. i’ve had some interactions where i got handed one ref sheet and a sentence description and the recipient was happy with the first sketch. i’ve had some where i got several pieces of references from different artists alongside paragraphs of descriptions, and there were still several dozen attempts. tossing in ai art just increases the volume, not the quality, of the interaction

    Besides, this is something I’ve heard from other artists, so it’s very much a matter opinion.

    i have interacted with hundreds of artists, and i have yet to meet an artist that does not, to at least some degree, have some kind of negative opinion on ai art, except those for whom image-generation models were their primary (or more commonly, only) tool for making art. so if there is such a group of artists that would be happy to be presented with ai art and asked to “make it like this”, i have yet to find them

    Annoying, sure, but not immoral.

    annoying me is immoral actually

  • And yet, my opponents in discussion

    good gods you’re going to be the most insufferable kind of person, aren’t you

    You aren’t going to convince me of anything

    this was a bit of a given

    bet you also think the climate cost of cryptocurrency is also a failing of the energy sector to deliver clean power to the innocent sweet little industrial-scale mining tycoons, don’t you

  • you do an excellent job of writing. several times reading this i had to mentally delete paragraphs of explanations for some of the rationalist thoughts and ideology because you have described it perfectly in just a sentence or two.

    shared this with some of my in-tech-but-skeptical friends. you deserve a bigger audience