We’ll be dead by then. And by “we,” I mean the whole human race. All life on Earth, actually.
We’ll be dead by then. And by “we,” I mean the whole human race. All life on Earth, actually.
I can’t recall exactly, but they mentioned Trump. So, but given the grandparent poster’s “So they did something wicked?” question, I’m sure it was something like “Like Trump, amirite?!”
I hate Trump as much as they next guy, but if I come to this lemmy community, it’s precisely to escape the real life BS.
Fuck off with u.s. politics where it doesn’t belong.
Sure, but not to the point in which it’s a constant stress.
We’ve already established that. But that method will shorten the life of the plant (and human.)
You’re right, I should have written “No, it isn’t.” Fixed.
So, no, it isn’t the response the author was looking for.
Weird to hear of people who has never heard of BoingBoing.
Is it about people eating light?
Bacteria already release stress chemicals when their food is lacking, so…
No, it doesn’t.
No, it isn’t.
It could be. Although we don’t know how much those sounds indicate distress, and perhaps watering should happen much sooner.
Imagine if aliens abduct you and give you food only when your stomach makes the kind of noise it makes after three days without eating anything, because “that’s all they can detect.”
That idea is mentioned in the article, yes.
Edit: apologies. The OP has already pointed this out.
Amen, brother!
That is correct.
Since the dawn of the internet it is known that “I agree!” comments don’t add anything to the discussion. If you don’t want to learn something new, then, as your teacher, I can’t do much, son.
Writing just “this” adds nothing to the discussion.
I’m a graybeard software engineer with 30+ years of experience.
I appreciated your explanation.
Where in that article does it say that they gave 5 million to anonymous?