At this point I would set up a new account for her - I’ve found Youtube’s algorithm to be very… persistent.
At this point I would set up a new account for her - I’ve found Youtube’s algorithm to be very… persistent.
Unser Staat bekommt so viel Geld wie kaum ein anderer innerhalb der EU, und dann machen sie noch nicht mal wirklich was draus. Wohin geht das Geld? Skandinaviens Steuerlast ist durchaus geringer, dennoch sind deren Sozialleistungen viel besser.
Am I the only one that really hates walking over these?
All the things she said, all the things she said…
I think it just takes time. I’m also posting to a community that currently has 7 subscribers (and I think that includes me, haha) but I enjoy posting there since I care about the topic. Growth will come naturally, but I mostly care about exchanging ideas and just general conversation with other fans.
Leider gibt es noch genügend Hinterwäldler in Bayern.
Quelle: Bin aus Bayern :)))
Wow, das erinnert mich an die Zeit um 2010 rum als die meisten Apps in wahrer Apple Manier ein kleines ‘i’ vorangestellt hatten.
Wer Aiwanger wählt hat im Leben eh schon verloren…
I’m a remote employee in a similar position, I also finish my work in about 3-4 hours in any given day (mileage varies). My performance reports have been at a consecutive 100% and I don’t see why I should change my ways. Honestly I don’t give a damn if people think I’m slacking off if I go and do some gardening during the day, if anything finishing my work early just makes me very productive :)
I think OP should really get a, what were those damn things called again? Ah, mouse jiggler!
I agree with the unfriendliness aspect in German government offices. These people are a very particular sort and they can be curt and borderline crude even to German nationals. This is of course in no way excusing what happened to the woman in the article - being exposed to micro aggressions from people you need to see for legal reasons is very disheartening.
I also find it hard to believe she wouldn’t have access to German language courses cheaper than €500. From her description it sounds quite elaborate, however since she’s obviously unhappy with the cost she should have chosen differently in that regard. There’s plenty of online resources and freelance trainers available for a fraction of €500.
All in all it honestly just sounds like she is a person that thrives on socialising and being close to family, which is a perfectly valid reason to want to go back to Germany. I think these factors were never going to allow her to be happy in Germany.
Dieses Rezept für Orange Chicken kommt mir gerade recht. Komme gerade aus dem USA Urlaub zurück und hab mich schon gefragt wie ich das nachkoche…