• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • I get it.

    I don’t love Snaps either.

    However, a thing I try to remember and wish others would as well is simply this: Canonical is a company. Their goal is to make money. They are not out to create the ultimate free as in freedom Linux distribution.

    This does (to my mind) not make them evil, and ESPECIALLY doesn’t make the folks who work there evil. It makes them participants in the great horrible game that is Capitalism, and expecting anything else from them is going to lead to heartache, as you’ve seen.

    If you want a Linux distro that shares your preferences and won’t try to jam snaps down your throat, you might consider giving Debian a whirl as many others have.

    Continuing to ride the Ubuntu train and raging against the dying of the light when it continues chugging in the direction it’s been headed for YEARS seems … futile :)

  • What I initially wrote:I’m old and nervous, and while some small part of my brain reads this and says “Cool! Neat!” the larger part IMMEDIATELY leaps to other … things.

    I feel like I need to say the quiet bit out loud here, and will do so in the hope that it will be taken for what it is - collegial discourse around a topic of shared interest.

    I’m super concerned about this idea. There are so many ramifications that verge into the negative here that it makes my head spin.

    How can we be sure that the training corpi used to create said Porn AI will be free of images drawn from sex trafficking and/or abuse victims? What about images from folks who gave freely when they were 18 and in high school but now are 28 and applying for jobs as school teachers?

    Also, how will the AI “understand” things like informed consent? Even more questionable are things like social norms

    Anyway, it will certainly be interesting to watch this space evolve.