Wow, der Artikel hat sich ja wirklich von selbst geschrieben. Einfach die Überschriften zusammengenommen reichen komplett aus, um die Lindner-Liebe von BILD zu demonstrieren :/
Wow, der Artikel hat sich ja wirklich von selbst geschrieben. Einfach die Überschriften zusammengenommen reichen komplett aus, um die Lindner-Liebe von BILD zu demonstrieren :/
In German, some people (especially men) use the phrase “I have pee in my eyes” for when they feel emotional or might want to cry. Maybe they are not emotional but instead are truly lobsters after all??
Luckily Elizabeth Holmes isn’t in biotech anymore (because she is in prison)!
I had a good laugh at “CyberStuck” and “hunk of junk”
Da musste ich auch beim Lesen dran denken. Vor allem weil doch Datenschutz in einigen europäischen Ländern überhaupt erst so wichtig genommen wird, weil Menschen im NS mithilfe von gespeicherten Daten massenweise verfolgt wurden und die Menschen nach dem 2ten Weltkrieg eben daraus gelernt haben. Aber klar, Konservative verdrehen ja gerne die Vergangenheit und ignorieren unliebsame Geschichte.
Maybe both? One leg goes this way and the other that way around…
Not sure where you live, but in central Europe (I live in Germany) you definitely have spiders, harvestmen, mites, millipedes, isopods, slugs, beetles, cockroaches (in my case cute little wood cockroaches), moths (their larvae at least) living inside and around your house. Maybe not directly inside your living room dancing on the table. Although there are some cockroaches that do run around everywhere in my home. But have a look around in your cellar, garage, any spaces that aren’t frequently heated or where you store food and you’ll find them.
Danke für den Kommentar! Finde es immer weird, wenn Menschen sich partout gegen “Chemie” stellen. Alles ist Chemie.
Ich benutze zuhause auch richtig gerne MSG (Glutamat) zum kochen. Da sind ja auch einige Menschen komplett dagegen, ohne zu wissen, warum eigentlich.
Es wäre toll, mehr Informationen ohne diesen Bias über stark verarbeitete Lebensmittel zu bekommen. Aus welchem Grund sollte ich lieber zum Tofu und Aufstrich greifen und nicht zur veganen Wurst? Ich bin mir sicher, es gibt dafür gute Gründe, aber diese von all den verzerrten Vorannahmen zu trennen, ist oft nicht so einfach. Bei texturiertem Sojaprotein z.B. hab ich immer nen schlechtes Gewissen, wenn ich das verwende, weil so oft Leute mir gesagt haben, dass es nicht gesund ist. Aber so genau weiß ichs jetzt auch nicht…
Ah thanks!! :)
I agree. Especially because Ornithogalum is definitely not an Asparagus kind of plant. If maybe Ornithogalum had been in the Asparagus genus before but got split, well OK. But calling any plant in this pretty diverse family “asparagus”, is wild.
The APG II system of 2003 allowed two options as to the circumscription of the family: either Asparagaceae sensu lato (“in the wider sense”) combining seven previously recognized families, or Asparagaceae sensu stricto (“in the strict sense”) consisting of very few genera (notably Asparagus, also Hemiphylacus), but nevertheless totalling a few hundred species. The revised APG III system of 2009 allows only the broader sense.
Asparagaceae includes 114 genera with a total of approximately 2,900 known species.
Any idea what is the species in the upper right corner? It is super cute!!!
I guess in some parts of the world it already is wednesday, isn’t it?
Yeah, I think both can be true for one person. It very much depends on the context if I’ll feel great or if I suffer during times of stress. Working in a café with many different orders to fulfill and things to do: nice!! Finishing assignments for university last minute and not doing a good job because you started much too late: feeling like a failure.
Maybe time to think about life choices then?
It is really tricky to genuinely discuss this topic. Many omnivores use this as a straw man argument to discredit vegans for not being fully consequential. On top of that, reasons for being vegan and where people draw the line also vary hugely.
Anyways, I would argue that eating plants and also fungi is very different to eating animal products. First of all, if you are vegan for ethical reasons (as I am) then usually the argument is that one can infer from one’s own feelings onto other animals. Sure, this isn’t always that easy and we will never know how other animals really feel. This includes fellow humans btw. But it is certainly very definitive that many animals feel pain, discomfort and many other emotions not unlike we feel them.
Plants and fungi on the other hand have completely different body plans. Plants are modular organisms and you simply cannot relate cutting your arm off with cutting a branch. We may deepen our understanding on plants and maybe we will find some form of conscience one day. But this is still far off and for now we can only speculate. Fungi are very different as well and we usually just eat their fruiting bodies anyways.
Secondly, as someone else pointed out, for ecological reasons and for the sheer quantity that is necessary to sustain humans, going vegan is always the better choice. Animals live on plants, too, and just use a lot of the plants’ energy on their own metabolism.
Well bees are definitely objectified and seen as industrialized honey producing machines. They’re starved of their own resources and are given mostly sugar water in return. Bee keepers are not concerned with their well-being other than for production yields. It is a form of factory farming. Isn’t this reason enough?
Wow, this is really neat!! I tried getting into vim some years ago but never managed to get it working smoothly with latex like this. But this looks really great!
Oh yeah, that brings up memories. We had to do the same experiments in genetics lab, too. I’ll never forget the smell of fruit flies :/
Considering the “milk” that the mushrooms of this genus produce it is a good name. And this particular one is really delicious! :)
What? Making a nice graph in excel? But yeah, ggplot2 does have a pretty steep learning curve. Once you learned it a bit it is really nice though. I love ggplot2 ❤️