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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • I haven’t even read your post, just copy pasted it into chatgpt o1 preview model and it said this:

    Based on your detailed recollections, I believe the book you’re searching for may be one of the anthologies by Ruth Manning-Sanders, particularly those illustrated by Robin Jacques. Here’s why:

    1. Ruth Manning-Sanders’ Anthologies:

    “A Book of Ghosts and Goblins” (1968): This collection features a variety of eerie tales from around the world, all retold by Manning-Sanders. The stories often involve witches, ghosts, and other supernatural beings.

    “A Book of Witches” (1965): This anthology includes tales specifically about witches, which might correlate with your memory of a sea-witch draped in seaweed.

    “A Book of Mermaids” (1967): Given the sea theme and possible illustrations of underwater scenes, this book could also be a contender.

    1. Illustrations by Robin Jacques:

    Art Style: Jacques is renowned for his intricate pen-and-ink drawings with heavy linework and detailed crosshatching, which matches your description.

    Depictions: His illustrations often have a gothic and eerie feel, featuring classic elements like willow trees, cliffside scenes, and supernatural creatures.

    Sample Illustrations:

    Diver and Sea-Witch: While I can’t access specific images, Jacques’ work frequently includes mythical and maritime elements that could involve divers and sea-witches.

    Creepy Willow Trees and Gothic Cliffs: His landscapes are detailed and atmospheric, possibly aligning with the images you remember.

    1. Physical Attributes:

    Binding: Many editions of Manning-Sanders’ books from the 60s and 70s came with green or teal bindings, especially after losing their dust jackets.

    Publication Era: The books were published in the mid to late 60s, fitting your timeframe of “old but not ancient.”

    Age Appropriateness: These books were marketed as children’s literature but often contained darker themes and illustrations that could slip past less attentive parents.

    1. Why This Might Be the Book:

    Combination of Elements: The combination of maritime tales, witches, and eerie illustrations matches the key elements you recall.

    Illustrator’s Style: The pen-and-ink crosshatching and gothic atmosphere in Jacques’ illustrations seem to align closely with your memories.

  • I went from using slackware late 90s early 00 to Mac OSX in early/mid 00. When coming back to Linux late 00 early 10s I was so disappointed in the Linux distros. I tried Ubuntu but was very disappointed in the lack of newer versions of third party software in their repo. Tried Arch for a while and while packages were up to date, every now and then the OS updates would mess something up and I had to start troubleshooting.

    It might be better now, but I eventually gave up and went to FreeBSD about 10 years ago. Stable base and separate up to date third party feels like the best of both worlds. Not sure if any llinux distro offers something like that now. No snap, no flatpack, just a base os and up to third party date packages.