Do not trust anything I write down. I have this horrible habit of not checking sources.
Thank you for that insight :)
Fun for the survivor I guess… Do you have a source? I’d like to learn more about it.
Extract recursively?
xvzf would extract, verbose, unzip file [filename]
x for extract v is verbose f for file input
That was their second reaction to it as well. They are well behaved though. Once we made clear it was not for mauling and destroying, they seem to be fine.
Still hiding them at night …
18°c is uncalled for though? Above 12 should be fine
Facts 😊
This is not the first time you have contemplated this, now have you?
I suspect a printable finger extender will be available soon.
The best most effective kind of spanking is a crowded spanking. Really drives the point.
The response is very clear. Anoyhet user is tunning a process which blocks unelevated shutdown. You can override it with the command privided in the response.
Like mentioned in a peer comment, sudo shutdown now
would resuly in the immediate shutdown of the system, ignoring any interrupts. If anything else fails, interrupt power. It should start fine.
It could be a process you are running under a different user (safe), which demands you to shut it down cleanly.
Linux provides the mechanics to prevent the problem you’re angry about.
Spitroasting is not quite bdsm, as fun as it might be…
Rubber mat, like those rubber toy mats which can interlock. Or a workers knee pad, which isn’t rubber as I recall, but another, tubed, soft plastic to coushion the knees. Pic related.