If you don’t want to host your own data, take a look at TarSnap
If you don’t want to host your own data, take a look at TarSnap
One thing I’ve been doing is doing random online classes instead of doom scrolling. There’s a ton of free ones that you can do at your own pace and spend an hour or two each day learning new stuff. Just generally being more mindful and curating my media inputs and replacing algorithmic rage inducement with better stuff. Here’s a few examples, but there’s tons all over the web:
Sorry, but this is such a cop out.
Wrong. They could do things like
That would be a start. You know, generally DO something and not be the rich, complacent servants of Wall Street they are. Or they could, hold a stupid signs during the SotU, send breathless donation solicitation emails, tell us they can’t do anything because of the parlimentarian or whatever, and cross our fingers and wait for 2028.
Patty Murray sucks.