I remember whipping out Vivaldi (which is Chrome-based) for booking a ticket on the Interrail website: https://www.interrail.eu/en
I haven’t fiddled much with weaker privacy/ad-blocking settings though, because I didn’t have the patience for that.
I remember whipping out Vivaldi (which is Chrome-based) for booking a ticket on the Interrail website: https://www.interrail.eu/en
I haven’t fiddled much with weaker privacy/ad-blocking settings though, because I didn’t have the patience for that.
I don’t think it’s possible. And please change the title of your post to something more descriptive. I just see it as “@mozilla”.
Good stuff! I’d be keen to try making a seaweed salad, which I guess is the only dish that’s seaweed-based? Otherwise, I know seaweed mostly as extra topping or shell for sushi or tofu.
Cute! And the typeface matches the space theme very nicely.
Thanks for the summary! More articles should be concise and more “complete” (e.g. mentioning alternatives like NetNewsWire or Vivaldi’s integrated RSS reader, as mentioned in other comments here).
Verrückt, dass sie sich’s mit dieser Aktion bei so ziemlich allen (Links und Rechts) verscherzt haben. Hoffentlich ist der Schaden dauerhaft.
Their newer releases also feature great artworks, mostly painted by Jeff Jordan.
I didn’t like O Monolith at first, but seeing it performed live was still great and interesting to watch. But yeah, I personally prefer the older releases that are slightly less experimental/ambient. Let’s see what they will come up next!
That’s quite good, actually.
Das würde aber nur Sinn machen, wenn der Hundeführerschein auch sinnvoll ausgelegt wird – und gerade das wird ja im Artikel bezweifelt. Das Projekt klingt für mich sehr deutschlandtypisch: Auf keine Expert:innen (und z.B. Versuche aus anderen Ländern) hören, sondern komplizierte bürokratische Prozesse einführen, die theoretisch gut klingen, aber im Endeffekt nur Gelder und Zeit verschwenden.
Absolutely amazing album/EP and band in general!
I think that’s very funny.
Nice, Ubuntu LTS (22.04) seems to fully work out of the box. Although I’d have expected more distros to work like that (even the officially-supported Fedora needs some extra steps to get everything running and its stability is described as “some risk”).
“Why don’t you send it over on a dinosaur?”
I believe even if you choose “Open in Firefox”, it will still download the PDF to the default download directory before opening it inside a Firefox tab. The behavior that OP describes above seems to prevent that downloading (and having the file around in your default download directory).
Good question! I suppose the two extensions have very different main ideas/approaches, so maybe merging them isn’t so ideal or feasible. And to be honest, I also enjoy the freedom of having my own project!
Yes, I’m a big fan and very happy with Omnivore as a Pocket replacement. I also built a little browser extension to mimic the practical popup of “In My Pocket”, but based on Omnivore, since I was missing that particular functionality. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/omnivore-list-popup/
Favorites are way more obvious in Apple Music (again), Halleluja!
Awesome, I was looking for these kinds of tips. Thanks a lot!