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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • Climate scientists: “do these things to fix climate change”
    Everyone: “but that’s HAAARD and I don’t wanna!”
    AI developers: create AI
    Climate scientists: “AI is drawing massive power accelerating climate change, we need to stop that”
    Everyone: “but it can tell us how to fix climate change so it’s going to be okay!”
    AI climate model: “do these same things to fix climate change”
    Everyone: “but that’s HAAARD and I don’t wanna!”

    Yeah, I can’t see any way this could possibly fail…

  • It is not randomly frozen as Mint does follow Ubuntu’s LTS releases, every new version they put out is based on whatever the current Ubuntu LTS is. Their release cadence isn’t linked that closely as a new LTS usually takes a few months to spawn a new Mint release based on it, but they aren’t just freezing some arbitrary point in time of development.

    If you mean Ubuntu is randomly frozen, it isn’t either. It follows a release schedule, determines a roadmap, and at a certain predetermined point in developing a new release, they do freeze for new versions so they can complete testing and ensure everything works together in time to release on schedule. It’s certainly not “random”.

    And that’s also not what stability means. Stability means functionality doesn’t change, so an up to date Mint 21.3 installed on release is going to be the same as one installed and updated now, functionally speaking. This is accomplished by only backporting important security patches and bug fixes to the version of the software that’s used by the system rather than getting it with new versions where there are new features and changes to existing functionality that can break things based on the previous version. This does not mean it gets all fixes, just the ones they deem worth the effort of backporting.

  • You know Linux isn’t just used by enterprise sysadmins, right?

    And even speaking as an enterprise sysadmin myself, I’ve not had need or use for deterministic interface naming once in my career. I have no clue how common that is, but most of the servers, both physical and virtual, that I’ve worked on only had one Ethernet port connected.

    I see the purpose of this, but don’t see a reason why it should be the default, or why it couldn’t have been implemented like HHD/SSD UUIDs where the old dev names were left intact for easy use outside of fstab and the like where consistency could become a problem

    ETA: you also seemed to miss the part of my initial reply to you about it being something that can be enabled by those who need it… And if you’re going to say that the enterprise professionals who need it shouldn’t have to turn it on every time they spin up a system, I’ll remind you that enterprise admins working at that level where they’re setting up enough servers for that to be a hassle are probably using orchestration like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet, and can just add that into their configs once