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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s not “their playground”. Besides the fact that the South China Sea is a crucial international trade route (and thus shouldn’t “belong” to anyone), it is also bordered by many nations other than China, like Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines. And these nations are very bothered by the way China is using its size to bully them out of their own coastline. That is why Canada is there, to prevent China from dominating the smaller states. Obviously NATO has more than one goal in the region, but they are not uninvited guests and, in a world as globalized as ours, the South China Sea might as well be Canada’s playground.

  • The car manufacturers wrote the zoning laws that turned America into a car-dependent hellscape. The oil barons lobby against every single initiative/bill that would reduce consumption of oil. In absence of government directives/incentives, people will simply do what is cheapest which, in a system designed by capitalists, is environmentally-unfriendly consumption. You seem to think that everyone who doesn’t want average global temperatures to rise should simply stop consuming goods, but doing that on a scale that will actually change anything is stupidly unrealistic and possibly cataclysmic for our current economic system.