also known as flamingoOK

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2021


  • I get what u are trying to say but its kinda hard to acknowledged your point when u say shit like the ““infamous” order 227” clearly there is a lot more western propaganda to unpack on your side, because there was nothing wrong with telling generals to stop retreating when conditions werent just right especially when u consider that at that point in time the nazi hoards controlled more territory than the USSR, no it was not an order to kill deserters there werent many to begin with since people knew what giving up to the nazis meant it was an order for generals to stop spreading fear and fucking around and while it included a provision for death as a punishment it was only ever used a handful of times and again against high ranking officers not common soldiers.

    There were actual bad things done by the USSR’s government while Stalin was in power some of them he could have been personally responsible for, like the exile of the Crimean tartars or the fact that relief efforts for the famine in Ukraine were carried out in secrete (and therefore were less effective) seemingly to save face. There is no need to invent reasons for critique. Rest assured we are all well aware of his flaws after all we had to read plenty of his history to debunk the made up flaws u fell for, we dont blindly like him, his flaws and mistakes (the real ones) just dont outweigh the good he did if u disagree thats fine its a line and its gotta be drawn somewhere, as long u know the facts its not wrong to draw that line such that his more bad than good. Either way im not gonna go tell a lib about how amazing Stalin was (tho i will certainly correct any misinformation) nor is anyone here trying to replicate the bad parts of the USSR during his time in power, we just think he did more good than bad and theres a lot of hate for him out there so someones gotta love him.

  • As other have pointed out those numbers are way off but also i think its worth pointing out that Stalin didnt invent gulags (or political purges) it was a long standing system by then fuck Lenin was sent to one before the revolution, he and many other people in positions of power in the early USSR just used the tools they knew and were available.I think there are a lot of situations where socialists in the past have done things that are wrong but only in the sense of they should have been better rather than merely the same as capitalist and thats just a fucked way of thinking because they WERE better in so many other places. Also no one is saying Stalin was literally flawless but compared to what he is accused of he might as well be.

  • i dont think that little statistic about whites in 1775 america means anything, that was pre industrial and pre imperial power america it has nothing to do with the reality we live in now.

    if sakai meant the first then idk he was smoking something mighty cuz the US is 60% white you cant just actively ignore 60% of people outright and build a revolution from there its not gonna work

    there has to be solidarity otherwise this isnt gonna work, besides its not like white poor people are particularly advantage compared to black poor people or other poor oppressed people white people are just significantly more likely to be born richer to begin with (you know inherited wealth and a history of slavery/genocide/immigration dont generally go together) (not saying systemic racism doesn’t exist just that generational wealth is one of the biggest mechanism thru which it operates)

    i dont think the situation has changed much i think settlers was just mostly wrong to begin with

    idc thats for them to figure out im too ignorant and disinterested to have an opinion, tho im curious what you mean by japan do you mean Okinawa or the general american occupation of Japan