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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Oh I don’t know. Maybe the DNC can now be honest about choosing a popular candidate, and changing gears, and playing to win the election instead of whatever that was happening on stage during the debate.

    Drumpf can lie through his teeth and people will vote for him. At this point DNC doing even the most basic stuff. Cancel student debt. Not write-down tax savings, not low-interest maybe if you apply for these 50-form 100-hurdle govt-red-tape process. Cancel medical debt. Not ooooh we wont send you to jail if you dont pay for your medical bills garbage. Medicare-Medicaid for ALL NO EFFING EXCEPTIONS. Not all the BS of we made drug prices lower for some 10% or 5% of Medicare patients etc etc etc.

    The DNC don’t have any solid wins to talk about. This is why they can’t run adverts blasting the airwaves with their “Mission accomplished”.

    There is always some fine-print and wriggle-out-of-this-room in anything that the Corporate Dems have engineered so far.

    Biden was a stopgap for the next candidate. Remember? He promised that he wouldnt seek a second term? Liar much ? Stuff like this drives people mad. And mad people like to vote for Drumpf. Mad people want to watch the world burn.

    So y’all need to get into the DNC, torch the entire structure, find someone like Drumpf but exactly opposite, the very Jesus of Democracy and Values. Put that person as the nominee , vote for Demo-Jesus until the DNC party and elite literally are crying rivers of blood.

    That is what the Republizards have done to the RNC. Every RNC elite and power-monger better kiss Drumpf or they will be shit-canned.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoTrans Memes@lemmy.blahaj.zoneno ragrets
    4 days ago

    Just because an Author has some bad takes doesn’t have to sour the franchise for you. On principle, you can move on and still carry the enjoyment of your experience. Chalk the author up as “gone cuckoo” or something and don’t spoil your initial reactions and interpretations.

    Life is all about what you feel, experience and reminisce over. And no one can take that from you. While facts cannot change, your feelings do evolve over time and something you can and should look forward to.

  • Lab-grown meat might not have nerve-endings or nerve-endings that connect to nowhere. You will need a brain or spine for the nerves to connect back to for the nervous signals to get recognized and processed before the screaming and “conscious” state of the brain can potentially exist.

    So in essense, the lab-grown meat will just be like tissue cultures kept artificially alive but not a living organism.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneGay Water Rule
    9 days ago

    What an excellent idea to force people to drink more responsibly and get alcohol back on the prohibited substances list.

    Alcohol, Cannabis, Magic-mushrooms and other less debilitating “fun” substances should be regulated for personal use by adults. Scheduled substances should still be illegal but convictions should be mental health, addiction therapy and social servitude as punishments.

  • If you like to go bombing in Tesco Scotland I am sure the Scottish would be cheering for you as well :'D

    Also real life isnt as simple as “return the land to the previous owners who are all dead and wiped out and the remaining mixed descendants are mostly 1/16th or 1/64th or some piddling fractions of the original settlers”

    It is easy to ask for Forgiveness rather than ask for Permission.

    Imagine if European Settlers " IF you already are on this land , can we get permission to enslave, infect and eradicate you? Please with sugar and cherry on top ?" AND JESUS HIMSELF APPEARED … " Die all you Bigotted, Misbegotten Sons of Satan! " … Just imagine the Vatican and Church of England catching Fire Spontaneously and restoring Christianity to its roots!!!

    "Things that Never Happened for 5,000,000 Alex! "

    :-D Comedy gold if every wrongdoer got their just desserts instant Karma style ! :-D

  • Any sports that is competitive requires testing to ensure that no one cheats or has an unfair advantage. If you are against testing in sports, then sports is not what you are looking for.

    An Open participant category would solve almost every problem. Only the best of the best will win.

    Traditionally, “Women” ( biological XX-chromosome Homo-sapiens ) had their own category due to their inherent physical weakness compared to “Men” ( biological XY-chromosome Homo-sapiens ) in almost every physical category. This allowed “Women” to compete on their own “safe” “fair” “even” “fair” playing field separate from “Men”.

    If you want a sports category “Trans-Woman” or “Trans-Man” or “Trans-any / Non-Binary” PLEASE GO FOR IT ! I am not saying anyone should be excluded from sports. But there are reasons that categories exist in sporting events. Be constructive or don’t it is your choice.

  • Due to DNC and Biden inaction and corruption there is a massive enough majority who will set the world on fire and watch as it all burns down.

    When Drumpf wins Nov2024 you will know who to blame for this fiasco. And it will be too little too late. Start planning for a mass exodus to Mexico or Canada.

    When a large enough brain-drain happens, there is a direct national impact. So if enough sensible people leave after Nov2024, there will be enough stagnation and consequences that most govt operations should grind to almost non-existence. Come Nov2028 if y’all 'Muricans foreign or domestic can’t take back the govt with absolute majorities, forget about it all for the next 50 years. Once enough SCOTUS replacement happens, maybe, maybe there will be a chance to cleanup all the damage and pickup the pieces.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoWhite People Twitter@sh.itjust.worksThe truth...
    16 days ago

    Fiction SHOULD NOT be equated to real-life.

    IRL there are much more complex and serious outcomes which cannot be pre-determined. Hindsight will not save the day as consequences are terrible.

    For example, here is some imaginary bullshit that will never happen…

    “Things that will never happen for 500, Alex”

    <imaginary BS/>

    I wish North America or South America or even Europe can setup an Ashkenazi Independent Autonomous Area … perhaps Alsace-Lorraine ? Or somewhere between Poland and Russia ? Any and all Israeli and Philistine citizens wishing to live in peace and harmony can and should move there and re-integrate back into Europe.

    Palestinian land should be returned to the original settlers and descendants of those lands since the fall of the Roman Empire.

    Hopefully a Joint-UN-led Area of Non-Violence should be established stretching from the Mediterranean to the borders of Pakistan. No “Country” or “Border” or anything. Just Non-Violence DMZ. Any weapons or violence will be considered Death-Sentence through International-Court-for-War-Crimes.

    <end-of-imaginary BS/>

    We can all dream up solutions that all sound good, but IRL isnt like that. Things dont happen as they should or as we want them to play out.