• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • yeah, there is the neoliberal right wing, that stick with nato and amerikkka and there is the nazbols/duginists they share with us the anti-hegemonic view, but for everything else they are just as reactionary as the other right wingers and they uncritically support putin, like pepe escobar.

    this sucks, sometimes i want to get news from the war and global south news, gotta swim in nazbol sewage. and sometimes nazbol social media profiles are shared here :(

  • no, never had it, schools shooting were a rarity in brazil until recent years, there was one in 2009 where the active shooter was an adult man, and one in 2019 where two teens tried to emulate columbine, in the years to come the rate increased and now we have every month or so

  • nah, japan still has that felling of the good old days of colonial empire, racial supremacy and usa has a lot of influence too, so free japanese cannon fodder to feed the american dream.

    i gotta admit i simply forgot drpk, so i don’t known how to begin to speculate what will be their moves, but makes sense what u said, they intervening because nato presence in the pacific is a direct threat to them.

    i didn’t went into results and such, i believe china has more than enough capability to handle this. russia is facing basically alone a coalition of 80 countries and it is not even in war mode yet and managed to depleted a lot of nato ammo depos.

    china is a heavily industrialized country and has a working force of 800 million people, imagine shifting some of that to produce military equipment, it wont be running out of ammo anytime soon, and also their infrastructure, 2/3 of worlds high speed trains are on china alone, so they can make stuff and believer to any part of the country very quickly.

    i guess my biggest worry would be india, since the relations of these countries has been rocky for thousands of years, but there is a good chance i may be wrong since they are making a lot of progress inside brics

  • imo not directly, they will proxy it just like ukraine.

    about the aukus military alliance (something like that), i think that is a lot of smoke and no fire, just for show, and one thing that people doesn’t count that much but i think it plays a big role, is the racial factor, the west won’t send white people to battle china, they will send other asians, like the people from taiwan, south corea and japan. taiwan is being armed by nato, japan is being rearmed by nato and they still hold a grudge of being kicked out of china during ww2 and korea who is an us military occupation

  • i don’t think that the question is about voting for x, your loyalties will be questioned based on your looks, so it’s going to be really bad for people of asian descent, even if u were born in the country or are there many generations. we seen this in world war 2, when japan attacked, the government made concentration camps for japonese people, even tho they had no involvement in the war or even any ties to japan

  • that is very interesting, the though that they internalized that though so much thay they are afraid other people are like then.

    i saw a person saying once that most west science fiction is about alien invasion, beings from far away with technology beyond our comprehension to massacre us to steal our resources, they project themselves into their stories, the colonizing monster.

    while soviet scifi the aliens are communists, they surpassed many contradictions from their society, them they go roaming the universe help other races in surpassing those contradictions.