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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Seem to have succumbed to whatever-it-is - I suspect a touch of the lurgie plus leftover exhaustion from the heat catching up.
    Considering my work today would have likely been driving a 97 year old to do his shopping plus cleaning for a cancer patient who apparently is worse since I last saw her plus an immunocompromised father and daughter, it was definitely safer to stay home.

  • Did my third water walk in a row this morning. Definitely feeling it - using muscles I haven’t used or used as much. I hope the weather allows a few more - just not this hot, thanks.
    In other news, the heat seems to have fried drivers’ brains - someone nearly turned into me and I did have my lights on so it wasn’t a matter of the silver car being harder to see. And I nearly got clipped by a Pajero.
    Boy am I looking forward to when I can just walk to the beach.