FAKE NEWS! Technically it never says apple so it could’ve been a Magic Durian Curse! (Which I think we can all agree is orders of magnitude more cursed than an apple.)
FAKE NEWS! Technically it never says apple so it could’ve been a Magic Durian Curse! (Which I think we can all agree is orders of magnitude more cursed than an apple.)
Sleeping with your Vaporeon: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-EWMgB26bmU
Right, in my experience the majority of URLs generated by LLMs are just jumbles of letters that vaguely look like a URL. A fundamental architecture difference needs to happen in one way or another to properly cite sources, and it’s really bad for performance.
Literally 4 out of the first 5 articles on that community are about RCV being blocked. Hardly “being implemented” in the US right now.
Use the time honored technique of lying on the birthdate form.
Good question! The answer can be found by looking at how most of the commercial open source products are monetized. Software hosting and technical support are quite lucrative if the software is valuable.
But let’s look bigger than just software. How do content creators get paid? That’s far less tested. I expect crowdfunding to be the primary vehicle for that. It’s popular for indies, but the big boys haven’t caught up with the times yet.
Indeed! My personal political alignment does in fact incorporate much of communism.
I’m a digital communist, at any rate. If something can be copied for free, it darn well ought to be free. Anything else is artificial and enforced by threat of violence.
Serious post: cost and shifting performance expectations make it impractical for consumer devices
Shit post: Because Nokia doesn’t make phones any more
I wonder if this is related to that mercury dumping report that ended up being due to someone at the government misplacing a decimal point.
I have a suspicion you weren’t the target audience.
Men’s vision is movement based, just like T-rex.
Mostly due to part fatigue. They regularly reboost it into a higher orbit.
Highly specific attack but certainly looks like it could be effective.
No no, you’re absolutely right. I’ve seen a good deal of that too in the culture I was raised in.
Effective cooling seems like a big one in space, especially for a datacenter.
They have to hold that view! How else would a guy like that get sex once every nine months?
Almost certainly the video will be fed into a platform that determines “worker quality via microexpressions”. I know because I’ve worked closely with the software provider before. It’s obviously all pseudoscientific bullshit, but employers love that kind of stuff.
Pathetic and expected. It takes a lot of time and money to bring someone to trial. And since lawyers are paid hourly, both sides simply love to stretch it out as long as possible.
I know a guy who did it. When he got to the end, they pulled him up into the boat and congratulated him heartily “You did it!” and all he could do was say “oh.”