• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • My company uses Acronis M365 Backup Protection.

    I believe it was selected because the licensing options and costs were much better than Veeam’s offering.

    To be honest I can’t comment much further - it was set up by a colleague, it runs in a different country, and I’ve never needed to do a restore from it because I’ve always been able to recover lost files/emails from the recycle bin/recoverable items.

    It’s more of an insurance policy against ransomware or other malware than anything else. It’s good to have, but not used day to day.

    Although that does remind me that we are probably due a test restore. I’ll add that to the list for this month. Thanks! 😉

  • It’s fine.

    Like any CMS, it has a seemingly constant low level of patching to be applied. The more third party modules and themes you have, the worse that gets.

    Remove unused modules that aren’t core. Same with themes. That’ll make things easier.

    Otherwise it’s overheads are just Apache/nginx, MySQL/MariaDb, and maintenance of the TLS certificate, plus OS patching. All fairly well understood stuff that you should have no issues with.