You’re gonna need a bigger ukulele for this one
You’re gonna need a bigger ukulele for this one
Depends on which programming language you want to learn. is a good resource for the basics in some of the most used programming languages and a good reference for looking up how things work.
Most learning of programming is IMHO learning by doing. And by breaking things.
Think of a program you want to make (or one you want to replicate, just for learning purposes) and set this as your goal. It doesn’t need to be perfect, optimized or even fully functional. Just grab a hot beverage of your choice, sit down and try.
There are plenty of (sometimes even free) books with examples how to use the programming language of your choice. If you want to go that way, again, grab a hot beverage of your choice and start reading.
As others said virt-manager is probably the easiest. If you want to manage your server via web console akin to something like vcenter you can take a look at proxmox. Or try out cockpit with the libvirtd/qemu plugin on your Linux machine. Cockpit also has a spice/vnc display built in,