• 8 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024

  • I liked the concept behind Kodachi, but there’s a very, very small community supporting it. It’s a good thumb-drive OS like Tails, but does a much better job than Tails. I haven’t tried it in quite a while, but FreeBSD may be worth a shot. When testing open source versions of Unix, I found them ahead of OpenBSD on the modern GUI stuff, but it’s anyone’s guess where they are at now. Might be worth spinning up a Virtual Machine. BSD Unix has been around longer than Linux, so you can be confident there’s well tested and vetted code base.

  • I am running a full node with the Official Monero GUI and also mining. I have not broken that connection in several days since I own a computer that doesn’t need a reboot several times a day, so I haven’t noticed any problems yet. Will update thread if I notice anything after power restart.

    As a point of reference, when I first sync a full node after installing GUI or CLI program, it’s not unusual at all for the first sync to take three or four days. I’ve done it several times.

  • I agree with surfer’s comments, especially the one about making it more valuable. The hidden fact is that the price does NOT reflect the VALUE at the moment. We will see more representative price discovery when CDBC’s track, trace, and programming is introduced later this year or next. I am delighted to have shaken many speculators and profit takers out of their positions. Once the lack of privacy hits them hard, they will scramble to get out of their fiat with or without CBDC’s, but I imagine CBDC’s will be a tipping point.

  • After examination, it still appears that Bastyon does a better job of providing a Twitter like interface while remaining private and anonymous as you choose to. However, my assumption that using the block-chain being the only way to do that may have been in error. I’ve also learned a bit about Session and done a little reading on Nostr, but although Session seems to be a WhatsApp OR Signal - killer, it doesn’t appear to have the same ability to share news and create followers like Twitter or Telegram. I am very enthusiastic about all the new activity in the decentralized communication space.

  • Hey Shadow Rebel, I just installed Session Messenger for the first time after it was suggested to me by the MoneroTalk group. I tested it today with another privacy advocating friend of mine and we both though very highly of it. As a messaging app, it exceeds the polish and functions of Bastyon, but as a twitter-like social media app where you broadcast things out to a large group, Bastyon is better suited. Both are very good at helping to remain anonymous, not asking for telephone numbers or email addresses, but their similarities diverge from there. If you’ve got some very easy things that I can do to help you using the Session Messenger App, I’d be happy to assist. Perhaps you’d want to DM me here in monero.town with your Session ID and I could find you that way. I also called my nickname prancer389 over there, but I don’t know if you can find me that way.

    Regards, prancing389