
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • you’re right, I should have been less reckless. Criticizing the Democrats here on Lemmy runs the risk of helping the Republicans win. I should have kept that under better wraps, I’ll make sure to only say nice things about the Democrats so as to avoid lowering the bar Republicans have to cross to win, like how they have tried harder than any other party to get a small amount of student loan debt canfelled while owning the house, the senate, and the presidency, or that they were the only party to un-ban trans people from military service after the other party banned trans people from military service

  • Screenshots of Susanna Gibson on the website were shared with The Associated Press. The campaign for Gibson, a Democrat running for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates in a district just outside Richmond, issued a statement Monday in which it denounced the sharing of the videos as a violation of the law and her privacy. Gibson called the exposure of the videos “the worst gutter politics.”

    “It won’t intimidate me and it won’t silence me,” she said in the statement. “My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up.”

    respectable. There is absolutely nothing morally wrong with participating in sex work or being openly sexual in the right community. She may be contemptible for being a democrat, but she’s not contemptible for her sex positivity.

    edit: it blows my mind that a comment defending sex workers ends up negative and this fucking comment reducing the entire story into a joke about getting a woman’s nudes (a victim of a systemic harassment campaign no less) is top comment. I don’t come here often, is this what lemmyworld is usually like?

  • purahna@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlEvery third post on Lemmy
    10 months ago

    just a random assortment grabbed from their top week:

    yeah the american lawn is totally not a political topic

    also yeah totally deriving joy from sabotaging megabillion dollar companies with collective action isn’t political

    neither is trespassing as revenge for corporations eating up public areas

    and what about a police force so sprawling and weaponized that we use it to reprimand children who make jokes?

    sure, it may seem a little contrived to you, but when we talk about how a fish who has been in water all its life can’t actually see the water, that’s how we believe liberals are with their own politics - you believe there’s no politics there because you’ve only ever been immersed in your own politics for the entirety of your life.

  • purahna@lemmygrad.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlQuestions about Zorin
    10 months ago

    You’re definitely valid for being concerned about privacy, but I think much more of privacy is how you configure your system and less how it ships, especially when it’s all Linux under the hood anyways. Additionally, privacy features aren’t much good when they’re bundled, set to defaults, and never fully configured - it’s both a great learning opportunity and provides even better security to set up things like browser extensions, a firewall, tor, etc. yourself so you can know their ins and outs than simply having them installed by default and never touching them.

    Of course the privacy difference between Windows and Linux is so night and day that that leap on its own might be everything you’re looking for and then some, but Linux is always what you make it, so you’re not giving up much when picking one or the other! The only big things you’re locking into is a community and a package manager/repository, and Mint is definitely top notch in those regards, so it’d be hard to do better.

  • purahna@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlCommunism bad
    10 months ago

    literally every communist-led state ever saw faster electrification, sanitation, and agriculture development than any of their comparable peers (important). Please find me a single solitary example to the contrary. Also, please refrain from comparing Cuba and the USA or Vietnam and Finland like they’re running in the same race, the real victories of communism are that it has outpaced any even remotely comparable nation in the same timespan despite sanctions and interference, not that a communist party can magically turn Haiti into Denmark in twenty years.