Do you think he shit himself when he got caught
Do you think he shit himself when he got caught
Do you think he shit himself when he got caught
So how do we donate to something that isn’t a scam to get our money lol
Cries in leopard tears.
I’m willing to accept this offer. They can take air mattresses, I’m not a monster.
Yes we have terrible healthcare. We are very very very aware of this.
Hahahah this is amazing.
Disagree. Most rational people who are charged with murder (and who did it) take the prosecution’s deal.
However, if none of us are presenting peer reviewed statistics, we are all just making assumptions.
Plea bargaining has become the primary way to resolve criminal cases in the United States, with nearly 98% of convictions nationwide currently coming from guilty pleas.
Lmfao. “Western problem” sure buddy. The “east” is doing so well. Russia, china, North Korea… they’re all known for their “fair voting.”
Get off this east vs west lie and get down with blaming the global oligarchs. They’re all playing the game and they’re on the same team—the one you’re not on.
I’m fine with one last golden parachute. Whatever makes it stop
Here’s the snitch.
look at me, a boomer with socialized healthcare and a pension, catching the dumb gen-z who killed a hard working business man because some people can’t get their opiates.
If snitches get stitches, what do traitors get? Looking at you, Sinema.
I’m sure you have statistics to back up your opinion.
Aww. I smell a Netflix buddy comedy series.
Wow, you didn’t just “drop the T” in here. You should leave.
Once again, climate “news” is 10 years late.
I’d watch MTG burn.
Those brows don’t lie. But I am definitely open to evidence that he was not it. This should be a very fascinating trial
“Kids will be kids”