• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I’m a pianist, and pianists are often very particular about how musical keyboards feel. There doesn’t appear to be a very large DIY community around it. Getting a digital keyboard to feel good has a lot of elements. It seems that it’s very expensive to design and manufacture a music keyboard, let alone to do it modularly as the keyboard community has. I would expect it to require a lot of compromises that I wouldn’t be willing to deal with except as a hobby project.

    Synths, on the other hand, have a HUGE DIY community and that sometimes extends to making keyboards. But for me, it rarely seems worth it to fabricate a keyboard when a MIDI controller with MIDI cables or MIDI over USB can be had as cheaply as $50 or to have a really well done one for under $150.

    I’d be more interested in modding an existing keyboard than I would creating my own from scratch.

    I found this list of links related to diy instrument and synth making in case you’re interested. https://sdiy.info/wiki/Online_resources

    This is such a niche topic that you should probably seek out a traditional forum. Also, check out Look Mum No Computer for some inspiration.

  • St Louis actually has a music scene so I go to see live music, especially festivals nearby or 1/2 states away. Regular bands, opera, symphony, jazz, musicals, etc. Kansas City is nearby enough that I can pop over if I’m excited for a big act. Chicago is a train ride away.

    Tabletop rpgs or video games. I’m moving away from crunchy games like D&D towards narrative focused stuff. MoTW, Dungeon World, Wanderhome, one-page RPGs.

    I’m a weird coffee person so I have a booklet where I rate coffees and I brew at home.

    Cooking is a hobby of mine that I quite enjoy, especially when I invite friends over to help.