• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I agree. I also observed that liberals will cite anything and everything to make their anti-communism valid. Starting with low level bullshit like, that Marx said he is not a marxist (Marxism debunked, you see), Luxemburg saying she doesnt like how the october revolution happened (Lenin debunked!), Trotsky disagreeing with the Soviet Union the way it wents (Soviet Union debunked) and so on. Also dont forget: Debunking Trotsky because of Kronstadt and Luxemburg is bad, because Thälmann wrote so. Sino-Soviet Split: China and Soviet Union debunked again.

    Looking into the history of marxism, it is quite easy to find a ton of writings, letters and discussions. But, as an example, looking into the collected works of Lenin and making notes where Lenin disagreed with someone, is not how history as a science works. Taking Luxemburg and Lenin: She had critique, yes, but she supported the october revolution and wrote important books for marxist movement. But the most time you’ll hear how they cherrypick something and ignore the rest.

  • Since May, according to Microsoft, Chinese hackers have been secretly accessing data from the State Department and Commerce Department, among other targets including Western European entities.

    Shut the fuck up. Its not Chinas fault, that Microsoft miserably failed. Whoever of the whatever-department decided to put their stuff in to the microsoft cloud was an idiot. How the fuck could this happen at the first place. This remindes of Solardwinds, when their password “solarwinds123” (What a secure password!) has been spotted on their Github repo.

    MSA (consumer) keys and Azure AD (enterprise) keys are issued and managed from separate systems and should only be valid for their respective systems. The actor exploited a token validation issue to impersonate Azure AD users and gain access to enterprise mail.


    They had one fucking job. But no no, its not their fault, its China! Dont look at us, our cloud products are still great. And please dont forget to put 20 layers of snake oil on your computer

  • Thank you. I speak German and Russian native. I learned english in school, I can understand english quite well and read political theory. But since I dont have any practice, I get nerveous writing in english and it feels odd.

    If you want to laugh about something, take a look on this letter which Lenin send to his Mother on May 1895. I swear, some germans still behave the same:

    I am making use of a two-hour stop at a small Austrian town (not far, now, from my destination) to fulfil my promise to write on the way. This is my second day of travel abroad and I am practising the language; I have discovered that I am weak at this and have the greatest difficulty in understanding the Germans—or rather, I don’t understand them at all. I ask the guard on the train a question, he answers and I don’t understand him. He repeats the answer more loudly. I still don’t understand, and so he gets angry and goes away. In spite of this disgraceful fiasco I am not discouraged and continue distorting the German language with some zeal.


  • We also have exactly 6 rules and no lengthy code of conduct or other documents one needs to read to participate here.

    The rules is lberal (in sense of welcoming, permissive). The rules say nothing about liking or disliking Stalin etc. You can even be an Anarchist, reading Bakunin und Kropotkin all day and it would still be ok to be here. No trolling, chauvinism and anti-communism. This rules include so many point of views. As long as you follow the rules, you will maybe get downvotes, if someone doesnt like your opinion. Maybe a communtie will ban you, if you are way to annoying to them (Not following community specific rules), but thats all.

    I think lemmygrad is well inclusive.

    Whoever defederates from lemmygrad will also miss all the pictures of my pigeons.

    Sorry for mistakes, I reached my daily free DeepL limit.

  • As I already said, I am sorry if that sounded harsh, but my explanation is still valid. I was not sure about your seriousness simply because you ended with the question: ‘unless being anti-trotsky = anti-communist?)’

    I have had enough contact with ‘Marxists’ who will even repeat straight far-right propaganda if it is something against Trotsky, even spreading antisemitic lies. His Jewish heritage is one of the most popular attack points. I have a Russian book here, named ‘Leaders and Tyrants’ from the 90s, which loves to point out every time that he is Jewish.

    Considering all this and how your question was formulated, it could have been a non-serious question. A person asking this non-seriously would gain nothing, but rather reveal their hatred against Trotsky, even if it is done in an anti-semitic manner.

    especially someone who’s been in the grad for way more than you ever have

    I don’t know what you have read or not, how far you are already. But if I were to assume that you are well-read in Marxist literature, then your question would have everything of what I have described above. With the people I deal with, such a scenario is very likely, even online. Such is also possible on Lemmygrad, of course.

    But now I know that it doesn’t apply to you. That’s why I also wrote that I am sorry for the harshness due to the uncertainty regarding your seriousness.

    I hope you understand now why I answered the way I did.

    However, it wasn’t my intention to offend you. I am sorry if I did. But my explanation is still valid; you can ignore the harshness, or I can rewrite it in a manner that is not harsh.

    unlike you i’m not aware of every single little thing about soviet history and culture.

    I am also not aware of everything. I am still learning. But it is not about soviet culture or history. If you are interested in soviet culture, I encourage you to take look on soviet films.

  • You only see, that it is somehow against trotsky, isnt? This is a propaganda poster of the white army. It would be naive to think, that there is nothng anti-communist about this poster. So you have to take a look under which conditions this poster was made:

    The white army blamed jews for bolshevism. Remeber the progroms? The protocols of the elders of zion and the black hundreds? In the propaganda of the white army Trotsky often had demonic features because he was jewish and played an important role in the civil war. This is a continuity of the anti-semitic agenda of tsarist russia. And it was in fact so, that young jews became revolutioners, they saw a better life in socialism, than in antisemitic tsarism.

    the flag still says RSFSR, so im also confused how this would be anticommunist as well (unless being anti-trotsky = anti-communist?)

    So what is the poster transtlated? “Peace and Freedom in the Soviet Russia” is written on the top. And you see a red demonic Trotsky, a jew with millions of skulls under him.

    Should you be not conviced, then look here for the original poster, which i didnt post:

    Also other posters from that time exist.

    It is even without the david star antisemitic considering under which conditions it was created. The Nazis later extended it clearly with the idea of judeo-bolshevism, which also had its roots in all of the anti-semitic attacks (Dont forget Marx, he was often attacked of simply having jewish heritage) marxism received.

    And if you look what the far right is saying about communism: Jews. October revolution: Jews. Marxism: Founded by jews and continued by jews. Jews, jews jews.

    Sorry if I sound harsh, but it’s not so easy to understand the seriousness of your comment

  • "Thus, tankie is now used to describe much more than the set of communists who supported specific events from the Soviet era. The term tankie now covers communists who support “actually existing socialist countries” (AES); especially those with a Stalinist or authoritarian leaning. Although there is not really a concrete definition, recent work by Petterson [ 94] provides a succinctdescription of tankie:

    Tankies regard past and current socialist systems as legitimate attempts at creating communism, and thus have not distanced themselves from Stalin, China etc. "

    Yes, well recognized, the term is vague and can mean everything or nothing. It does not make sense. There are people who see only the Soviet Union as a successful workers’ revolution, but not the rest. For some, China represents revisionism, so does Vietnam, or North Korea, or Cuba, etc. I’ve met people who are all about Enver Hoxha, everything else is revisionism. That is such an enormous range of different views, yet they are all tankies. I’ve witnessed Trotskyites beeing called tankies because they are against NATO.

    To work with such a stupid definition is absolute nonsense. I myself have been called a tankie often enough, because I keep pointing out that the term has no substance in historical and political discourse. I even never discussed something political. Pointing out, that this term is stupid is enough to be a tankie - my experience.