s0ykaf [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2020

  • s0ykaf [he/him]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlEvery third post on Lemmy
    10 months ago

    And therein lies the problem, you and a lot of people like you, genuinely can’t differentiate life and politics

    the problem is precisely that for us politics has a practical effect on our daily lives. we have to worry about it, and talk about it, because if we simply let things go we get absolutely fucked

    good for you that your current condition makes you immune to even moderate sways in the political environment. that is not the case for millions of people, even the majority of them

  • i think most people here are just apathetic towards it, yea

    as for smaller, more involved groups, you have the english-speaking libs and the middle class which are just nyt-brained to the core (on every single issue, so you can guess their opinions), and the communists and PT libs (with opinions that are pretty close to ours: “war is bad, putin is shit, and we should stay away from the whole thing, but hopefully the end result of this one is a weaker, and not a stronger, american/nato empire”)

  • That’s true, their methodology was flawed as well. I get a sense that there was a sense of desperation at the time, that they felt they needed to industrialize ASAP and rushed a lot of processes instead of examining them to make sure they would work as intended.

    there was such a feeling, and the idea that they could double iron production in such short time (which was absurd, and something other people better informed about the economy, like zhou enlai, did insist on saying before 1958) is pretty illustrative of that

    i really like mao and i agree with a lot of what he wrote, he’s probably the most important marxist for my own views after marx and lenin. but i think starting from 1956 he unfortunately kind of let idealism take too much of his views on development

  • some forms of autocracy can be more evil than some forms of capitalism is the worst sin.

    where i live a family of people born among the poorest 10% would take an average of nine generations to reach the middle class. nine. even ignoring the generational part, that’s about 20 million people condemned, by birth, to a life of deep poverty, lacking even the most basic goods such as food and housing. and we’re officially considered a “middle income” country.

    all, and i mean all AES states solved this problem either completely or nearly so by giving people decent jobs, education, health care and housing

    so yea it’s impossible for me to not find you people absolutely ridiculous when you talk shit about said states just because they “arrested too many citizens” or didn’t allow enough fucking free speech. you can rip my fucking tongue off if it means i don’t have to see my people getting fucked on a daily basis

  • s0ykaf [he/him]@hexbear.nettoMeta (lemm.ee)@lemm.eeHexbear federation megathread
    11 months ago

    As I mentioned above, it’s not balanced at all. You don’t see the same (if any at all) anger towards Russia as you do the US, Ukraine etc.

    of course you don’t see it

    in my country alone america has 1) supported a military coup in the 60s, 2) fucked us over their loans in the 70s, causing hyperinflation that lasted into the 90s, 3) fucked us over through the IMF from the 90s to early 00s and 4) supported (as we now know) a soft coup in 2016 that ended up resulting in lula’s arrest and bolsonaro winning the election

    meanwhile russia has… existed in eurasia and helped us create BRICS??

    why would i hate russia more than america and its satellite states? even if putin is an asshole, an anticommunist piece of shit who was part of the group that destroyed the USSR, he just hasn’t done to us what american presidents have.

    and hexbear users in general, since they really are leftists (as in, anticapitalists of various flavors) are very much aware of what america and their puppets do to us in the 3rd world, while russia doesn’t really screw us over much at all and in fact tends to play an opposite geopolitical role. so why is it so surprising that the animosity towards the US is way more noticeable?

  • i’m aware of the counter points

    Russia is not governed by amateurs that are easily baited into invading a country

    this was a bit surprising to read because if i spend 10 minutes in reddit i’ll leave thinking russians are governed by absolutely inept people who can’t do anything right and always fall for the silliest of cebolinha do pix zelensky’s schemes

    and it wasn’t a “bait”, that’s a silly way of looking at it; in the neo-realist view it makes perfect sense that russia would see ukraine as an existential threat after the nato mistake was made, and that war would become inevitable if things escalated - as mearsheimer predicted more than a decade ago in other discussions

    ukraine, in practical terms, has been disputed territory in terms of political influence since the fall of the ussr. but before the threat of nato, and the repeated breaking of the non-expansion promise, there was no sign that an invasion like this would ever happen

    It’s a bit like blaming the Soviet Union or China for the Vietnam war because they were “expanding” communism or something like that. It makes no sense.

    now you’re being disingenuous, vietnam doesn’t share a literal border with america. we should be able to blame the soviets for a mexican war if they attempted to bring mexico into a military alliance in the 80s or something, and the US would be absolutely right to see said alliance as an existential threat because it would be

    it’s ok to think that russia deserves an existential threat for whatever reason, such as, i don’t know, “putin bad” (though of course i wouldn’t say he’s as bad as any american president, at least he has never been such for my country). but denying that russia’s change into a bellicose attitude was predictable and avoidable by sane geopolitics is just denying reality at this point