Weed (atleast daily/heavy users) will lose be impacted by weed in terms of sleep both in dreaming and rem sleep. So you often wake up feeling shit, atleast that’s how my experience is
Weed (atleast daily/heavy users) will lose be impacted by weed in terms of sleep both in dreaming and rem sleep. So you often wake up feeling shit, atleast that’s how my experience is
Yeah but the next morning Is often rough
I see what you’re saying, I’m from a nation of 5 million in Europe so we get the benefit of great benefits, education and healthcare while our capital only having 500ish k people. In terms of cultures. Big cities will always have more fun stuff
My guy do you struggle wirh reading comprehensive, he asked who funded the terrorists and extremism groups that came to power. Wanna know how iran became anti west when historically its the most liberal and urbanised muslim majority nation period. “bin Laden did. The guy was an egomaniac bedazzled by his own bullshit” what bullshit would that be? You must think you’re so smart and know geo politics yet come here insulting others giving the most peewee American propaganda bs. So you’re conclusion “world is more complex than America doing all bad, but at same time Osama waa bloodyminded religious zealotry”
My friend, how are you so knowledgeable, I’m an avid fan of history and geopolitics. Do did you learn from books, articles, papers or just alot of digging and curiosity?
I feel for you buddy, leave the big cities it isn’t bad everywhere
Hobbs and even rosseu both had simplistic mindset on pre history humans that were incredible naiive and harmful towards ant progression of understanding. Hobbs believed in the savage brutish and short life of these people, while rosseu believed they were all loving, peaceful, and egalitarian. In reality, humans are humans, very smart, and complex social organisations haven’t been with us well before the first villages or towns became a thing. I have an issue with both, but arguably, hobbs with so much worse, so much more racist and backwards too. The kinda guy if was alive today you’d want to beat up
You have to be actively braindead or bigoted to genuinely believe in hobbsian ideas.
There’s absolutely no reason iran isn’t our friend and Saudi Arabia (where literal wahabism is from which is a plague to the west but a bigger plague to the Muslims around the world with rich degenerate sheiks come over to tell us “authentic islam”) buttt mosaddegh nationalised oil, and to west, it never mattered about morals, human rights. It was about who could extract the most native resources and give to some white asshole nepo baby
Ask iran and iraq what happend to their Democratically elected leaders. Oh yeah, the west are massive gaslighters and couped many Democraticlly elected leader over fears of “communism” aka new age colonialism style resource extraction. The militants aren’t the cause their the symptom.
Holy fucking shit, this had me howling
Again. You’re not showing off you’re capacity intelligence or critical thinking if you think 19 different men from various countries wirh a billionaire formerly cia asset Saudi billionaire leading them all for… Islam? I’m a former Muslim, so this is something I know alot of, but please dumb dumb, explain how they did it for “profession of their faith” Did the IRA bomb London because of their Catholic estremist ways too? My god, I could make a fake news site right now, populate it with bullshit, and of 8 billion people, i know you specifically would find my site and believe whatever crap people say online