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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • I played it a couple of years ago, before a lot of the patches, and still thought it was one of the better games I have never finished.


    There is this quest line where a character is abducted, raped, tortured and kills herself after you rescue her. Afterwards, the main character and another are on a balcony and smoke, still processing the horrors they’ve witnessed. I had been off the smokes for a few months at that point, but still needed to go outside and do the same.

    I uninstalled shortly after. Not out of disgust, I actually appreciated the game making me feel something, but it just felt right to stop at that point.

  • Reddit feels like a weirdly dead place. Depending on the sub, there can be a lot of posts and comments but it’s very hard to engage with. You need to comment early and what conversation there is decays very early. A lot of it is fake too, with bots stealing comments to repost.

    It’s a little bit better on smaller subs, but Reddit has a way of funneling everything into a larger subs if there is one for a topic, so outside of niche topics they tend to be ghost towns.

    Lemmy is more like a small, weird forum. It’s hardly perfect but at least it doesn’t feel like a bunch of chat bots talking to each other.

  • Farscape! I haven’t seen it since I was barely even a teenager. I loved the show and it meant a lot to me, but there are a lot of years between then and now so I’ve forgotten a lot. I’ve been shocked by how outrageously, flamingly queer it has been. Not like the unacknowledged, and often unintentional, homoeroticism of most genre shows of this era but gay sex only half way into the first season.

    The show is just pretty great in general too, I love the Henson puppets and aliens so much. Ben Browder is a great lead with a ton of charisma. Just be warned if there are any topics you’d want to avoid, the show would have a fairly long list of content warnings. It can be very dark and not everything has aged perfectly.