• 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • in Poland i never met nor heard about religious people who wouldn’t be hostile to communism.

    Yeah i’m not surprised, most people in France are either hostile or ignorant about communism, because freedom, and since “we live in the least worst system we know”.
    I suppose that it may be hard two generations later to still find communist people in Poland after the ban of communist symbols and ideas, and having one of the highest growths in Europe.

    On coexistence, united in diversity, this a topic that i’'ve been very interested in for the last years. First, the middle ages proved that capitalism, or feodalism, or slavery, can subsist with a stagnation, as long as they’re powerful enough to maintain their exploitation of the laborers.
    Even if that wasn’t the case, there’re new technologies to report this end of ressources such as thorium-based nuclear reactors, green chemistry, asteroids mining, …
    Your point about ideologies wanting to expand is the most obvious one, i think that a world united in diversity wouldn’t stagnate, ideologies should expand slowly and naturally, local laws could enable an initially socialist city/region to become&stay capitalist a very long time, within a socialist country, there shouldn’t be a conflict, just personal preferences enriching all of us.
    Of course, there’s some conditions, i usually talk about a common army, an effective and somehow incorruptible world tribunal to prevent covert actions, very few laws at the world-level but more and more federal->national->regional->communal laws piling upon each other, and world projects, a collaboration between all countries on all levels, shared medias and a celebration of each other diversity, and certainly more, do you see other conditions ?
    It’s what i wrote earlier about utopias, we need to set the goal in mind and progressively walk towards it, not… simply living, without a clear common goal, so weird not to know the short&long-term objectives of our countries.
    What i’m saying is that a set of condition exist so that every country would leave in peace, united yet diverse, without any more reason to worry about their security, and to waste abysmal funds in maintaining a national army, capitalists countries would be protected, socialists as well, islamists, and whatever else survived the colonization.

  • I agree, but what i clumsily pointed at is the lack of debate, i see three options :

    • We could already back then prove without a doubt that the elections weren’t rigged, and couldn’t have been, but that’s not the case. If it was possible, then we could’ve reminded them of the safety of our mechanism, but even then we should still invite opponents so they can point at imperfections in order to improve it ;
    • We can’t currently prove that the elections weren’t rigged, and that’s a problem that we should acknowledge if we want to prevent such refusal to accept an electoral defeat in the future, it’s alarming that we don’t intend to change anything, we must be more re-assured that rigging elections is impossible, and not double-down with machine voting instead of a cctv which could record every single vote opened and be inside the box as well and broadcast live, that’s an example. There have also been proofs of multiple votes under a false identity, and i wrote once a long text on how we could ensure a safety, but my point is that these solutions exist and that you’re not taking the steps to ensure an impossibility of cheating, i could say that it’s suspicious but i’ll only say that it’s a way to ensure more doubts for the next elections ;
    • And the third possibility would be that we’ll never be able to prove that elections aren’t rigged, but i don’t believe in this, one would need to not have thought about the solutions in order to believe this.

  • In France, none of my friends, coworkers, or family members are religious, and they’re not on Lemmy either a.f.a.i.k. I’d say that on the Internet there’s the same proportion of ‘anti-communists’//communists among christians and atheists, but once again it’s hard for me to identify an internet user as christian so it’d be hard to compare, i liked DebateReligion and CapitalismVsSocialism on reddit, do you know per chance if there’re similar communities somewhere on Lemmy ?
    (/c/fediverse@lemmy.world probably has the answer, but i don’t think i have much time to dedicate to it anyway)

    B.t.w., another lie told is that religion was only allowed after 1991 in the u.s.s.r., while the article 52 of the 1977 constitution(, and probably before,) already granted it, it’s just sometimes a lie that we can happen to read, among others(, and ignoring the reasons behind the initial conflict).

    And yeah, all the economic arguments don’t stand against the economic success of the u.s.s.r., despite the sanctions and the military burden(, and failure of capitalist countries from South America and Africa, pointing out that choosing to reduce or not inegalities/hierarchy isn’t the most important factor).

    And even if progress was indeed slower under all forms of socialism, which i don’t believe, then perhaps that still, despite that, speed&power isn’t the most important factor, and also that competition between humans and countries should be replaced by cooperation. Well, you already know that, it’s just that we(sterners) refuse to live with communists under pretenses that don’t make sense, we should at least allow them to be different, even if our capitalists-owned countries will have to protect themselves from communist propaganda, a serious case could be made that a united&peaceful world with countries from all kind of ideologies would be greater/‘more instructive’ than an hegemonic communist world, theses benefit from the existence of antitheses for its progress, the alternative to coexistence is something i’d rather not think about, and unecessary/undesirable.

  • If i’m taking the first link i found, here’s the accusations :

    • conspiring to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power
    • those who attempted to undermine the workings of American democracy will be held criminally accountable
    • conspired before, during, and after the siege of the Capitol to use force against their own government to prevent the peaceful transfer of power
    • seditious conspiracy
    • To prepare for the attack on the Capitol, Tarrio and the other leaders of the Ministry of Self Defense established a chain of command, chose a time and place for their attack, and intentionally recruited others who would follow their top-down leadership and who were prepared to engage in physical violence if necessary.
    • At 2:11 p.m., Pezzola smashed open a window, allowing the first rioters to enter the Capitol as Biggs and those with him entered close behind.
    • Tarrio’s conduct constituted an official act of terrorism
    • In the 31 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 1,106 individuals have been arrested

    Feel free to read the article to see if i forgot something, it wasn’t informative. No one can honestly say that they were going to overtake the country, and yet.

    The second link is entirely on the charges but is even less informative. Believing that they had any chance to overthrow the United States of America is crazy talk, yet lives were/are ruined while everyone claps as if it make sense. Please find me more arguments from your side if you believe to be on the right side.

  • It’s their independence day today b.t.w.(, 200 and one year since 1822).

    I’m christian and i’m a communist, clearly in favor of liberation theology, and it hurts that you’re right.
    It doesn’t make sense, but the Church supports the poors in words and ~not in deeds, perhaps because a lot of communists were anti-clerical, but still, you’re right.

    St Augustine of Hippo’s epitaph is :

    What makes the heart of a christian heavy ?
    That s·he is a pilgrim, and longeth for h·is·er own country.

    That’s my words, and those of millions/billions before me.
    Far-right christians supporters would probably say that societal (pseudo-)problems are more important than socio-economic ones, and that the inhabitants of communist countries are asking for our help to free them.
    But if i ever stumble upon a christian supporter of capitalist political parties, i hope that they’d confirm to me that our vision of the paradise/‘city of God’ on Earth is mostly the same. Christianity is fundamentally compatible with utopian socialism. And if that’s the case, then we only need to produce an effective counter-propaganda to make them realise the usual lies about authoritarianism, the efficiency of free market with its external negativities, the steal of ‘lucrative properties’/‘passive income’/‘capital’s revenues’, etc. Longing for a better world is half the work of being a communist, and western societies don’t even have a long-term vision to attain this utopia.

  • Or they would have exchanged their arguments like the civilised people we’re supposed to represent. If they killed your representatives that would be worth a decade or more in jail i suppose, but they didn’t, they simply entered a building and are accused of having attempted to overthrow the government, an accusation that no one can take seriously(, and yet).
    Russia, China, or the many other sanctioned countries, can rejoice on their medias, who are either banned or not read by the “free world”, but otherwise, i don’t see how they could profit from it. More importantly, they wouldn’t be glad that their enemy has problems if we were allied, this world f*cking stinks, and shouldn’t.

  • five Proud Boys convicted for some of the most serious crimes

    You’re all fucking crazy, they didn’t have any power to stage a coup or topple democracy you morons. They simply entered a building !
    You can’t all sincerely believe that they were going to achieve anything by entering the Capitol, the historical place to have manifestations ?
    Political prisoners aren’t only people whose ideology you agree with, you’re sending people who didn’t hurt anyone ^(o.m.g., he pepper sprayed a cop) to almost a decade in jail, sometimes fathers&mothers, am i living in a parallel universe ?

  • Apparently, Sindhu is the sanskrit word for the Indus river, so the ancient greeks derived the name India from it, and westerners replaced the previous Hindustan with India during the XVIIIth century ^(, this information would need to be verified), which then became the official name when they colonized it in the middle of the XIXth century.
    Persians may have influenced the greeks, i.d.k., i’d have to check if Sindhu or India was the persian word as well. And i didn’t know that Iran(sharh) has always been the persian name, while Persia was the latin name of the empire. I’ve probably made many mistakes in this answer, but i hopefully wrote some truths as well.

    Is that good or bad ?

    Some indians would like such change, others won’t, and others may have preferred an other name, it’s up to them.
    To me personally, it sounds more exotic like that(, you don’t know if “Bh” is pronounced differently than “B”, or how the “r” should sound, and even if the “t” should be heard(, i’m french so we strangely have silent letters)), which may translate for them to a stronger feeling of independence/uniqueness/…, which in turn may result for all of us in more diversity(, without disunity if possible).

    Will it go in the direction of the advent of the promised utopian communist paradise ? Perhaps. The very obvious goal for everyone is to isolate China, from Russia(, conservatives love Russia because it can be useful against China, just as westerners loved Ukraine more than other countries for the past decades because it could be useful against Russia), from the rest of the world, and particularly South-East Asia if they can, as well as from India/Barhat, perhaps the most important piece. Even if the latter realize its power/independence from the west they may still choose conflict against China, and/or against muslim countries, and/or still work in favor of the prolongation of the capitalist dominant classes over the laborers. So i.d.k.

    It’s out of topic, but i’ve also learned an hour ago that Ethiopia owes a lot of its debt to China, even if they were always “rebel”/unique that’s a “good” way to ensure fidelity, that’s what we(sterners) are/were doing, but this whole world sucks on many levels(, and could get worse), technology has progressed enough to solve every problem we had in the past, we can now do the work of hundreds/thousands with our machines and yet we still haven’t achieved a paradise on Earth. Worse, in the west we don’t even talk about the future that we want to build, we don’t have public plans to achieve an imaginary capitalist utopia(, we’re even saying that things will be worse, wtf), realism stinks, i want us to envision the paradise on Earth and to take steps in order to achieve it, not… simply living and electing the least bad representative who’ll govern without our understanding, i.d.k., it sucks but shouldn’t, i don’t get it, it sometimes seems to take more time/money/efforts to move away from this paradise than to naturally allow it to happen, sry for the rant.

  • Yeah, i took his comment way too literally since its false sense of security made me feel uneasy, he obviously meant that it’s (a bit )harder, not impossible. We should be sanctioned ourselves to feel/understand them, the economic destructions they cause are also responsible for an unrest attributed to the leaders(, it’d be much harder to lead China if its economy wasn’t doing so well). It’s not “using the sanctions as a leverage” but “maintaining their head under the water until they submit”.
    The only way out, if autarcy isn’t a valid option(, autarcy ≠ protectionnism, only the first one is nocive), is to have allies who defies sanctions, usually covertly. What’s the point of being able to produce phones using 5G if you can’t sell them ? And most of us ignore what we’re doing to Huawei, it sucks. Did you know that Huawei sole shareholders were their employees, or that Canada imprisoned Meng Wanzhou for two and a half years ? And i’m ignoring so many more things.

    It’s interesting to note that China was one of the few countries who didn’t follow the recommendations about market freedoms, i’ve read from some authors that it’s not a coincidence if free markets are only successful for the already wealthy countries, and not the global South.
    Your article from the awesome Moon of Alabama(, leftist “disinformation” that ought to be banned at some point, not read enough to worry the powerful,) remind me of this approach to speak about neocolonialism(, there’re others but this one may be the most known(, the most visible being the salary differences)).
    I’ve looked at it in the beginning of this year, and made this tl;dr of a chapter from the pro-capitalism(, yet anti-neoliberalism/‘free markets’,) Ha-Joon Chang in his book “23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism”, have a look if you’re interested :)

    Also, i never tire to cite what may be my ~favorite tweet :