This kind of take is a tired meme at this point.
This kind of take is a tired meme at this point.
You’re right of course. There is nothing special about Palestinians, they are an ethnic group just like all the others.
The US President, yes. You have to understand that internationally, at this point, we just see him as just that: The US President. Your elections are your internal issue and we don’t need to be expending all our energy psychoanalyzing your electoral system. As not-an-american, I don’t give a damn about how mad you are at your fellow citizens who might or might not have stayed home at election day or voted in a way that you think was stupid. Not every fucking world event needs to be understood from the perspective of the role of Jill Fucking Stein as a spoiler candidate.
EDIT: Rule number 1 says “[…] Not United States Internal News […]”. This applies to posts, but I think after a certain point, overtly brigading every fucking world event thread with the internal US perspective kind of beats the point.
Americans making this about Trump vs Kamala is getting really really annoying. I mean, we get it, you are pissed off at each other. We’ve read the same arguments dozens of times already, and at this point it is getting extremely tired. It sucks the oxygen out of every conversation. Is this what the discourse is going to be around Palestine and Israel the next four years?
We are also known for our self deprecating humour. the Beaverton is like the Canadian Onion.
The issue is postponed not solved. Canada has every incentive to consider the issue as an ongoing crisis.
For the record, a trade deficit is not a bad thing, Trump is just obsessed with it because he’s an idiot.
Bro, in the US-Denmark relationship, you’re saying WITH A STRAIGHT FACE that DENMARK is the problematic one? Bro.
Personne ne fuck avec le Canada sauf nous autres. C’est clair ça, câliss?
Sure, but so can the federal government do to Alberta. Politically too, the one huge disadvantage that Alberta has over any non-conservative federal government is that it votes too reliably conservative (I mean, if the feds twist their arm, what are they going to do next election, not vote liberal? – that’s why QC has the ROC by the balls by the way). So if it comes to Fed+ON-BC-QC vs AB …good luck.
Section 91(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867 assigns responsibility for trade and commerce to the federal government. The provinces can oppose, protest, and pressure the federal government on tariffs, but they have no legal authority to override them.
Alberta can do fuck all about tariffs. That’s federal jurisdiction.
Of course not all. But the US electorate as a body produced this decision. When your congress passes a law or your supreme court makes a decision do you not say that “the congress” passed a law or “the supreme court” made a judgement? I doubt you constantly say “a bit more than half the congress passed a law #notallcongresspeople”.
Or, when, say France has an election, do you not say “the french elected Macron”? Or do you always nuance it by “this or that percentage of the french elected him”?
Yup. Taking territory is one thing. Holding it is another.
This must be a yank version of the no true Scotsman fallacy.
That’s what Trump wants.
Did he crunch an apple while doing it too? What a douche.
“Get to”? “The right to”? What do you think I’m talking about? Oppression credits that can be used to buy a pass for shitty behaviour?
I’m asking for humanity and empathy, in the case of a guy who got fucking shot, by trying to make the case that this isn’t some cut and dry of some fascist getting their due, but a complicated and sad story.
Is that what he was doing? Or was he protesting what in his own lived experience as a veteran of the war against ISIS was a religion that led to the persecution of his own people (Iraqi Christians)?
This is not an easy case, there are many intersecting threads and it defies easy hot takes.
I literally have no idea wtf you are talking about.