Oh, I don’t think I did any more nagging than most fathers. You can tell when the kids start being more in to other things than hanging out with their parents, but you still miss it a little.
Oh, I don’t think I did any more nagging than most fathers. You can tell when the kids start being more in to other things than hanging out with their parents, but you still miss it a little.
That seems like a reasonable reading and yet even so, I think the article pushes it. I was the primary care giver for my sons and I can’t imagine that even the “chattiest years” would have amounted to more than 5 or 6 years. Kids very quickly get involved in school, friends, etc., to the point that conversations subside. And by the time kids are older, it is difficult sometimes to get as much conversation from them as you’d like.
The researchers don’t know for sure why women are the more talkative gender during the near-40-year stretch between 25 and 64, but they say one possibility is that those tend to be the child rearing years, and women, who often assume the role of primary caregiver,
They really seem to be reaching on this one. I don’t think anyone, if asked to define child rearing years, would stretch those years out until 64. Also, 40 years is a significant percentage of average lifespans.
The whole article seems to be trying really hard to not come to the conclusion that most people would naively assume to be correct.
Reagan did a lot of shitty things. He did do them slowly, though, and was cheered on more. Trump is like stupid, vengeful Reagan, and Reagan was stupid already.
Of all the things that could be nationalized, TikTok
Also revoked for Bolton. These are probably the only two actions he’s taken that I can support
Oh, I don’t mind anyone disrespecting Ronald Reagan or Donald Regan. It is the disrespect for the reader that is bothersome.
The correct spelling is even in the link
Villains or heroes isn’t the issue. It’s the argument that we need a group that doesn’t play by the rules that apply to the rest of society that I find problematic.
Shouldn’t we strive for a world in which the rules really do apply to all? Can’t we hope to conceive of a set of laws standards by which we should all be judged? Isn’t the world of Star Trek meant in some way to be aspirational, rather than just a reflection of what we have now?
I just read that section and I am unconvinced. To me, it seems the thing that really normalized the single space was HTML. Since it reduces all double spaces to single spaces, single spacing became ubiquitous online. Pervasive, however, doesn’t mean better. New doesn’t mean improved. Was there a benefit to the old custom of 2 spaces? Well, I think so and I haven’t seen an argument for single spacing that makes me think otherwise.
Yeah. Reading the article, Section 31 seems great if you just want to just shit on everything else in the franchise. Nope, not for me.
50 shades of chaise
Yes, Trump is scary but this all happened under Biden.
Perl not included in list.
Conclusion: In Perl, everything works as expected
…and New Glenn has now slipped to the 12th
Unethical and counterproductive. Having a prosthetic limb would almost invariably lead to a less sedentary lifestyle, which is strongly correlated with better health. Paying for a prosthetic today has to be cheaper than paying for a heart attack or diabeties later.
Yeah, such a difficult set of problems to solve. Weight, cost, reusability, durability, thermal properties, and manufacturing ease have to be considered. I’m hoping that they are still exploring options because there are so many potential avenues for improvement, and not because their attempts so far have been unpromising.
We don’t need someone with superpowers. We just need a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will. Luigi, help us!
Thanks, the video really sells it for me. I’d been struggling with just how to judge how bad this all is, as I was assuming that the poor translation to english was partly responsible. No, I guess that wasn’t a huge factor.
I am just disappointed that the clothing seems only to be made to be worn by women. I think there may be a market for flashy codpieces constructed of aerospace materials.
Your last paragraph really nails it