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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • A microwave works by bouncing microwaves around the interior. Since the shape of the container doesn’t change neither will the path that the bounced waves take. This can lead to hotspots in what you’re reheating.

    To mitigate this you have a few options:

    • move the food around in the container so that different parts pass through different hotspots over time (this is what a tray does)
    • interrupt the microwave path via a “stirrer fan” that sits below the microwave floor (this is what tray-less units use)

    Both approaches redistribute the hotspots to maximize even heating. The efficacy of either approach will come down to the specific design of either unit, but a tray-less unit can be easier to clean, and with fewer moving parts exposed to end users can be a good option for commercial/high user count settings.

    Each design accomplishes the same task of relatively even heating with few hotspots.

  • In the discussion about the future of dGPUs being threatened by iGPUs I think it makes sense to consider only the devices for which dedicated GPUs are available or devices which exist as a dedicated alternative to the functionality provided by dedicated cards. That is to say you’ll never find a dGPU in a phone and the demographic of gamers playing on their phone, while a majority, is fundamentally different and with fundamentally different games available than on a PC or console.

    While not all PC gaming happens through steam and not all steam players submit the automatic survey it is a reasonable representation of the hardware in use across the PC gaming space as a whole.

    Integrated GPUs are those that are built into a CPU or SOC. Dedicated GPUs are separate chips with their own resources. Many gaming laptops have both integrated and dedicated GPUs. There are no integrated Nvidia GPUs in the PC space (though the switch has one). Something like a 980m from back in the day is a dedicated GPU even if it was soldered to the same motherboard (and not all of them were). Likewise modern 4xxx series chips allow laptop gamers to still have a dGPU on the go.

    I’m not saying that iGPUs don’t have their place or can’t play games. I’m saying that dGPUs are better at what they do and will continue to be desired for that. At the end of the day they are both GPUs. They do the same thing, but one of them does it better. If you’re in a business or hobby that benefits from what GPUs were designed to do you will always want the one that can do it better.

  • It gives a false sense of security to beginner programmers and doesn’t offer a more tailored solution that a more practiced programmer might create. This can lead to a reduction in code quality and can introduce bugs and security holes over time. If you don’t know the syntax of a language how do you know it didn’t offer you something dangerous? I have copilot at work and the only thing I actually accept its suggestions for now are writing log statements and populating argument lists. While those both still require review they are generally faster than me typing them out. Most of the rest of what it gives me is undesired: it’s either too verbose, too hard to read, or just does something else entirely.

  • Do we actually know if he had a knife? Initial reporting was that the police knew he had a knife because he refused to take his hands out of his pockets. While he did threaten them, it was contingent upon them continuing to follow them. He did not actually attack them until after multiple officers attempted to tase him. Furthermore, so what if he had a knife? As far as we’re aware, he’s got a second amendment right to keep and bear arms. Being armed isn’t an excuse to be killed by cops because you are generally explicitly allowed to be armed.

    All in all:

    • We don’t know he’s armed
    • We don’t know his intentions
    • He didn’t immediately attack anyone
    • While he did threaten them he made no indication that he intended to follow through until he was attacked
    • He continued to try to leave the situation until he was attacked
    • The police attacked him first
    • He didn’t have a gun
    • 4 people were shot by the police; he was killed (this seems to have been erroneously reported earlier. He is now reportedly in critical condition), an officer and 2 bystanders were wounded
    • No one was stabbed

    While that is textbook escalation, it really doesn’t seem like they shot him cause he had a knife. They shot him (and 3 others) cause he didn’t care about their authority and they couldn’t let the guy that was already on the train go. And all that came about because he tried to skip a fare that costs around the same amount as the bullets fired.

  • It’s way more than just trigger discipline. There’s the traditional rules of course:

    • Never point your gun at something you do not intend to kill
    • Be sure of your target and what’s beyond
    • Trigger discipline

    But there’s also reasonable shit beyond the 5 basic rules:

    • Don’t willingly put yourself in a situation where use of a gun may be warranted.
    • Property isn’t worth killing over, especially in situations where you had to go out of your way to put yourself in perceived danger to protect it.
    • Don’t block in the person you are trying to convince to leave.
    • People with guns commit more acts of violence than those who don’t. Owning a gun is an irresponsible choice. There are more and there are less responsible gun owners, but owning a gun puts you and those around at a greater risk of violence. When all you have is a hammer …