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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240412122244/https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/cass-report-youth-gender-medicine/678031/

    Interesting quotes:

    At the request of the English National Health Service, the senior pediatrician Hilary Cass has completed the most thorough consideration yet of this field, and her report calmly and carefully demolishes many common activist tropes. Puberty blockers do have side effects, Cass found. The evidence base for widely used treatments is “shaky.” Their safety and effectiveness are not settled science.

    We also don’t have strong evidence that social transitioning, such as changing names or pronouns, affects adolescents’ mental-health outcomes (either positively or negatively). We don’t have strong evidence that puberty blockers are merely a pause button, or that their benefits outweigh their downsides, or that they are lifesaving care in the sense that they prevent suicides.

    We don’t know why the number of children turning up at gender clinics rose so dramatically during the 2010s, or why the demographics of those children changed from a majority of biological males to a majority of biological females.

    Medicalized gender treatments for minors became wrapped up with a push for wider social acceptance for transgender people, something that was presented as the “next frontier in civil rights,” as Time magazine once described it. Any questions about such care were therefore read as stemming from transphobic hostility, full stop.

  • I think the issue is more related to his takeover of Twitter and the massive purge of leftist ideologues from one of the world’s largest social media company. I’m almost certain this has nothing to do with cars.

    This is a massive loss of power and influence for these sorts of people. Now they are showing how much they are seething by playing all these games, like talking shit about Tesla lol.

    FYI, I don’t even like Tesla. I think it’s a cyberpunk dystopia on wheels. I would never buy one nor recommend it to anybody. This is not about cars.

  • vegantomato@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldTFW you're a Reddit Mod or Admin
    6 months ago

    policies to increase visibility to destigmatize trans people

    Causing children to be confused about their sexual identity by indoctrinating them with queer theory is not merely “increasing visibility to destigmatize trans people”.

    First link is a retracted study

    If you look closely, the redacted part was personal information that participants in the study may or may not have consented to share. So it was redacted for their privacy. It’s explained, one link away.

    the other is an article about gender dystrophy becoming a more common diagnosis as it’s become easier to identify than before. At no point does the article support your bigoted hypothesis that it’s all down to indoctrination.

    It shows how the number of minors receiving hormone therapy for gender dysphoria have been increasing between 2017-2021. An increase in gender dysphoria among the youth correlates with the push of queer theory in schools.


    Fine, you can believe what you want.

    A Ph.D. in political science doesn’t make you a doctor

    I didn’t say he was a medical doctor.

    Aand there’s the “gay people rape children” smear 🙄

    I didn’t say that. I was speculating about what might motivate someone to push such ideologies. It’s worth noting that John Money (who coined the term “gender role”) and Alfred Kindsey were both pedophiles. So it’s not completely out of question.

    Citing from John Money’s Wikipedia page:

    Money stated that pedophilia, among other chronophilias, could be characterized as combining “devotion, affection, and limerence”, “comradeship with a touch of hero-worship” and ultimately as “harmless… in most instances”.

    Wow. This guy is disgusting. This is what you show me to SUPPORT your argument??

    I have no idea what’s going on in these people’s heads. Maybe it’s money. Maybe the women who participate in this hate little boys. I don’t know. But considering the outcome of this ideology, I’m certain that they are motivated by selfishness more so than helping kids.

    BTW, if I was him, I wouldn’t mention “pedophile” and “God” in the same sentence. What with the Catholic Church being the biggest child molester factory in the world and most other Christian, Muslim and Jewish denominations having more than their share of rapists too.

    “A God-sent” is another way of saying it “would make them very happy”. Maybe said person doesn’t believe in God at all.

    Now please leave me alone and have the day you deserve.


  • vegantomato@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldTFW you're a Reddit Mod or Admin
    6 months ago

    Nope, more bigotry.

    Calm down.

    The increase in trans-identifying youth is correlated with policies to indoctrinate schoolchildren. This is scientifically established through multiple studies [1][2]. Notice the years reported: 2017-2021. These are years of increased push to confuse children in schools about their sexual identity. To ask “am I really a boy?” is not something a child would even think of prior to this intrusion by schoolteachers.

    Pointing out, what’s proven to be, ideological hijacking of our schools is not controversial. Same goes for the indoctrination that now takes place in these schools.

    My assertion this implementation of queer theory wont last is not only held by me (a guy on the internet) but by doctors such as Leor Sapir who holds a Ph.D. in political science.

    Do you believe there’s a sinister “gay agenda” where people are trying to turn kids gay too?

    If you are a pedophile, then you would view the institutionalization of a pipeline that makes little boys wear dresses or pole-dance as a God-sent. I wouldn’t be so quick to put it past the pediatricians at the American Academy of Pediatrics to having these proclivities. I’m a grown-up, I’m not naive. You are not barking at a child who’s still in elementary school.

    Tell the country Ukraine what?

    I thought it would be obvious from the context. Okay, let me be more explicit. Tell Ukraine that they are bigoted for preventing men in dresses from evacuating their country together with women.

    That Russian imperialist aggression is because trans people? WTF are you smoking??

    What? Calm down, I said no such thing.

  • I wont go into the fact that China blocks foreign services or their theft of IP. Other commenters have covered these point already.

    China (or rather the CCP) is an adversarial and imperialistic state that seeks to gain influence over other nations through various means, including espionage and PSYOPs. I’m not saying other nations don’t do that, but it is what it is.

    It is in our best interest to mitigate the harm done by this adversary through any practical means. Of course this upsets the Chinese government, but that’s expected, and may be a sign that we are on the right track.

  • You don’t have to go to legacy media for that information. It’s possible to learn from testimonies on social media and YouTube. But you still have to do your own due diligence. There are some people out there who are legit shills for the CCP (for money), they are arguably worse than the media in terms of bias.