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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • Christian hereā€¦ā€¦my life was upside down until someone gave me this prayer on a small card to read. My life was a constant struggle and one night alone I just had it, and looked at this card and read it to myself, something about giving yourself to the Lord asking him to guide and help me. I put my full trust in Godā€¦ā€¦and heā€™s never let me down. After reading the prayer things just started going my way for once. landed a great job, some money came my way and i was able to buy a home. I really donā€™t even worry about things anymore itā€™s like life on auto pilot lol. Be good to others and help those in need and youā€™ll be taken care of. At no point did I ever have to give all of my belongings away lol. Believe in God, because he believes in you!