Every community I care about is dead

  • 157 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I haven’t read this series yet but it’s on my TBR. Is there some kind of actual justification for the price of these books? The combined total word count of all the books is ~350k, which is 50k words shorter than a few books I’ve recently read that cost $7-8 each. Meanwhile the entire Murderbot series costs $76 to purchase, most of them being 30k words for $12.

    I’m lethargic on both getting around to reading it and not letting those hefty prices color my opinion if I were to read it, so I’m not sure if I ever will.

  • Everyone fully missing the point here. This is the banner image for !linux@programming.dev (that’s not where we are right now for the record), and it has a normal JPEG size of 7.7MB. When it’s served as WebP it’s 3.8MB. OP is correct that this is very stupid and wasteful for a web content image. It’s a triple-monitor 1440p wallpaper that’s used verbatim, and it should instead be compressed down to be bandwidth-friendly. I was able to get it to 1.4MB at JPEG quality 80, and when swapping it out in dev tools and performing A/B testing I can’t tell the difference. This should be brought to the attention of a mod on that community so it can stop sucking people’s data for no reason.

  • I like stories to have stuff to aspire to, rather than characters that share the pains of a hopeless millenial.

    Yeah I feel that. I wouldn’t call it a light read if you’re feeling depressed, and there’s some clear parallels and lessons from the book’s world to be applied to ours. The story likes to punch you in the guts whenever it feels like it, and a hopeless feeling lingers throughout. I should make an amended edition where the characters frequently get the hugs they deserve.

    it’s hard to come by good furry literature

    Surely. Oftentimes it feels like any furry media that exists has to have a compelling reason why the people are animals, with human-based stories being the default if you can’t think of a good one. It’s nice to have a good story regardless, with the animalistic flavor largely just being garnish on top.

    helping attract some more attention to a project

    Hopefully at some point it will stick and be properly recognized. It was released in 2017 and has excellent Goodreads reviews, but the author is young and surely will eventually make waves if they can keep the creative spark going.

  • I really don’t think it’s “love” at this point. I understand that point of view, but I rarely ever see those types of people anymore. They don’t even necessarily need specific religious litigation to back up their views, and they can pretend that their god “would support them” in their endeavors just as easily. These people want punishment for those they deem “other” because the normalization of “other” challenges their privilege and makes them uncomfortable. I think their fear of these outcomes is the most likely “rational” explanation. Semi-related, the world is not in a good place right now with capitalism running rampant. I think these people are even more frightened at their precarious living conditions and their sense of survival is pushing them to hold onto the privilege and lifestyle they have in any way possible.

  • That was my takeaway from this video as well. It was a lot of “aw shucks can’t we all just get along” and not understanding that in today’s world, getting along is a left-wing policy. I think there is still merit to saying that part of the reason we’re so divided nowadays is that we are forced to interact more often, but it shouldn’t be represented as the entire problem. In a way, I think a video like this is actually worse for discourse because it might convince people that there is only one problem that needs to be solved.

  • You’re right, and I suppose I was half-thinking along the lines of “we have all the pieces to solve this, but we don’t because we’re frozen in place by greed” instead of “this is something we could do with infrastructure today”. If everyone could collectively let go and re-distribute wealth and materials efficiently everyone would be much better off for it, but instead we’re stuck in some game theory hell where the optimal personal choice results in one of the worst outcomes.

  • I’m not nearly as qualified as your professional help, but there are always bright spots and safe spaces to exist when you’re low. Everyone is exhausted these days, and you’re not going to change the world by dedicating your entire life to worrying about it. Take what you can and fight for what you’re able to, but don’t overexert yourself. Ideally half the fight needs to be done by people who are not the minorities in question - these people have the most privilege and population to actually enact change. E.g., telling the homeless to fight for themselves is not how you end homelessness.

  • It feels like some people need hobbies. They have nothing better to do in their lives than campaign against minorities that have zero effect on their life. I hope we’re going in the right direction but we’ve been backsliding on a couple things recently and it’s sickening to see people close to you that were quietly in support of that. Maybe we need another Pokemon GO phenomenon to remind the bigots that there are other things they could be doing with their lives.