Fascists, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes can fuck off.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2022

  • The ending can’t be for everyone, but I love that they went there. Pantheon was a very ambitious show and pays homage to so many sources of inspiration like Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity is Near and End of Evangelion. One of the best shows I’ve ever seen that almost nobody talked about.

  • Most instances had an outage yesterday I noticed. I’ll grant it’s not perfect, and thanks for clarifying, I had been using, but forgot to mention, redlib as a redirect.

    Self hosting is obviously the best option if you can, I just use the instances personally and 99% of the time those links have just worked for me, but I can’t speak on other people’s experience with them.

    I’m just glad there’s an alternative front end at all and there are those putting their instances out there.

  • z3rOR0ne@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlFavourite DE
    1 month ago

    Honestly my first olkb was the Planck from DROP. A 40% keyboard where the numbers and symbols are each on their own separate layer. The defaults on the Voyager were very clunky IMHO, so I simply switched them to the defaults of the Planck, including moving the home row up one whole row. This left a few spare keys as the Voyager is a 55 key, so I simply added two Super keys instead of one as well as a few other duplicates.

    I’ve also heard of some interesting workarounds for using Vim with Colemack/Dvorak. It is funny, when I first discovered OLKBs, I kept encouraging people to use them, and I still do. Same with Vim. But ultimately I get why people don’t. I’m so used to this workflow now, going back to a standard keyboard feels clunky and slow, and I’d imagine my setup feels awkward and alien to most if not all other people.

    But it’s uniquely mine and I can type 100wpm if I am on a roll with his setup.

    The clamps are a hilarious accident that happened to work for me. I was experimenting with different ways to get that near 90° angle shoulder width apart, and this was the3 soluuon I haphazardly stumbled on.

    Glad you like it/find it entertaining! I wish you well in finding what works for you! ✌️

  • z3rOR0ne@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlFavourite DE
    1 month ago

    Nah, didn’t go that far (yet), just heavily edited a qmk_firmware configuration. So yeah, I’ll admit I didn’t exactly write my own keyboard firmware.

    I have the soldering tools ready for when I have time to learn. Sadly I only have time for software lately, and hardware/firmware has had to take a back seat.

    Customizing your workflow around the keyboard is a helluva drug though! If it weren’t for Vim being configured for QWERTY out of the box, I’d probably configure a COLEMAK or DVORAK setup as well.

    I’d encourage you to go as far down the rabbit hole as you’re comfortable, the learning curve can slow you down initially, but the dividends pay off in the long run imho.

    Here’s a pic of my current setup. The keyboard is prebuilt (Voyager ZSA), just with custom firmware. Couple clamps keep it vertical for ergonomics.

  • z3rOR0ne@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlFavourite DE
    1 month ago

    I’ve been on BSPWM for nearly 2 years now. Custom scripts and keybindings all over the place. My workflow is so customized and keyboard centric with this TWM. Vim bindings in the terminal, Vimium in the browser, and a heavily customized Neovim Text Editor with Espanso Text expander global keybindings every where… Not to mention a 55 key split Ortholinear Keyboard with custom firmware…yeah… My hands almost never touch my mouse except to game.