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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Shortly after, Mr Dreyfus spoke on the ABC’s Afternoon Briefing where he directed his anger about the issue towards the Greens leader.

    “I think that the Greens political party and particularly the leader of the Greens political party have got something to answer for here in the way that they have been encouraging criminal damage of MPs electorate offices, encouraging really riotous behaviour, sometimes violent behaviour, that has been occurring outside electorate offices,” Mr Dreyfus said on the program.

    Yeah, that does seem pretty defamatory. Maybe the meaning of ‘encourage’ could be weaseled about by the defence if it does go to court, but “they have been encouraging criminal damage” doesn’t seem very ambiguous. If he’d said ‘they have been encouraging protests resulting in criminal damage’ he might have more of a leg to stand on.

  • Working on it!

    I participate in grass-roots activism both within my union and activist movements in the general community. So by no means are unions the only option for participation in social movements.

    That said, I would in general recommend people join their union, though I don’t know much about the CPSU in particular. Unions will have your back with legal support if you need it, and they help to buoy up wages and conditions for everyone. (One notable exception is the SDA, if you want an example of a shitty union, take a look at them. Anyone in the SDA should join the RAFFWU instead.)

    In any case, as a member you can work to change the union itself. Most unions will have various collections of rank-and-file members working as pressure groups within the union, as well as participating in broader activist movements. E.g. https://www.instagram.com/cpsu4palestine/

  • I’ve been voting in this country for 30 years, and for the last 20, it doesn’t seem to make a difference beyond undoing the last governments work…

    By all means vote, but you shouldn’t expect significant change to come from voting.

    MPs and their parties are beholden to their own interests that are roughly aligned with the status quo.

    Significant change only comes about when grass-roots social movements can exert real pressure upon those in power.

    So if you want to make a difference politically, get involved in organisations that are building a social movement. Joining and getting involved in your union is one way to start.

  • … but you can guarantee other Instatockers who want their five minutes of fame will be out there collecting whatever they can get their selfish mitts on …

    Yeah, but hopefully this has at least made people aware of the law now, enough that this kind of thing will get people reported quickly.

    I worry, though, that people might keep an animal secretly until it’s non-rehabitable, at which point they figure they can get away with doing the same thing these people have done.

    I don’t know if it’s possible under the law, but swift seizure of the proceeds of crime would go a long way. Probably most people aren’t going to want to go to the hassle of getting licensed, so at least they will be black-and-white in the wrong and it’s doesn’t have to be investigated in detail whether they’re making profit.

    I imagine (I’m not a lawyer) that it might be hard to delineate what exactly is commercial gain from the animal, and what is commercial gain from ‘expertise’ or ‘life experience’ of the keeper.

    I’ll be interested to see where the book deal goes from here. I expect proceeds will be given to wildlife causes (upkeep of the bird is fair enough), and I’m hoping there will be a HEFTY chapter towards the end about how you should not do what they did.