Fun fact: there are two versions of this song. One says “Czechoslovakia”, the other says “Czech and Slovakia” as it aired during the split. There’s also a disclaimer in the episodes saying all locations were valid as of the time of filming.
I didn’t know that, but I do mentally update the lyrics to “Czech and Slovakia” lol
In the late 80’s and into the mid 90’s, I had two very specific jobs as a kid. My brother and I had to get up from the couch and either adjust the tracking on the VCR or hit the side of the TV with a deadblow hammer to get the green spot to go away. Considering that, whoever digitized this masterpiece needed desperately to adjust the tracking.
Thanks for that lol. I had almost forgotten that “tracking” was ever a thing, and now I feel 100 years old. I can probably use that as an age-verification question 😆
I loved this show as a kid, and eventually took geography as a second major in college. When I could actually understand the lyrics I realized how beautifully put together they really are.
My wife sings it as “She’s a stinky fingered feltcher.” and I had to inform her that was a much different show.
Very nostalgic after school vibes for me.