A tragic situation went from bad to worse in Evansville, Illinois, after police who responded to complaints about animal neglect ended up shooting the dog they were summoned to help, WISH reported.

  • shalafi@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    For one, I don’t fight against gun laws, though most are between useless and counterproductive.

    Of course I need to have the means to defend myself and my home. For one thing, my wife and I are 54-yo and 250lbs., combined.

    • Ever had a bear wander in your dog door?
    • Ever had a couple of drunks about to rape your gf on a lonely creek? Kinda place where no one would hear your screams?
    • Ever been robbed in your home at knife point? (That was actually on me, could have never happened. And BTW, my roommate could have shot them. Decided it wasn’t worth the hassle. Good call.)
    • How about a wolf hybrid wandering in? (Loved that guy! Scared the crap out of me one night.)
    • Ever seen a hulking, male panther on (again) a lonely creek? Majestic. All I had was a 5" camping knife. They can swim BTW!

    I could go on for a bit, but you get the idea. Where I live, cops aren’t showing up anytime soon. And when violence comes, it comes fast. That’s rather the nature of the thing.

    In related news, I scared up a momma bear hiking last week! Thoughts ran: Wazzat? Deer? BEAR, COOL! (babies come galumphing behind) ralph_wiggun.danger.jpg. I’d do about anything to avoid shooting an animal, but my gun appeared in my hand, without thought, I was ready.

    When I go shopping? Hardly ever carry. At home, in the woods or on the water? Always.