Thanks for the share. This dude seems decent.
Rare to find a youtuber who has fun doing dumb shit without being a massive waste of resources or unethical. Cool that this guy exists.
Not to hate on this guy, because its a cool idea, but this is a massive blue ball series. Half the episodes are pay to view so if you dont wanna get left on a cliffhanger dont watch.Nvm it looks like he does release all the eps to the public but the members get them a month earlier. Not entirely sure still, because i cant compare the paid/free videos…
The first ep of this was in tom scotts weekly blog/rss feed and i just remember being annoyed af because in that vid he made it sound like you can only watch the rest if you pay.
I had the same impression, but fortunately can confirm that the free vids are the same as the paid ones, just coming a month later.
Thx, guess i have something to binge then :)