Silk brand is made in the USA. Earth’s own is Canadian.

    22 hours ago

    I’m not big on more regulation and think we just need to change habits and let the market sort itself out.

    A clear example of this is the Beer Stores in Ontario that are now closing up shop after their monopoly was ended. These guys had a monopoly and refused to let craft brewers into the store as it competed with their brands. The LCBO started carrying craft beers but you had to buy individuals which was great cause you get a mixer pack of stuff you like and maybe try one or two new beers. Fast forward many years and the business decision to exclude craft beers was their downfall.

    Obviously Loblaws won’t go out of business but they need x$/square foot and don’t care how they get it. if US products are only delivering placement fees they will be dropped or moved to the bottom shelf. Things will work themselves out.