From a labour government, crikey
Bit Corbyn was an anti semite and Milliband couldn’t eat a bacon sarnie properly.
It has been red tory v blue tory for decades.
The end result of this will be reform in power. The rich won’t mind this. The poor, who vote for it, won’t benefit. But to them it will feel like the only option that might help.
It is a similar dynamic to the US playing out in different ways. Musk’s slash > privatise the government is a speed-run of what has been happening in the UK since Thatcher - the last looting of empire being the looting of the profitable bits of the British state itself on behalf of the rich/capital (call it whichever you want).
Exactly the claim made by tories when they invented PIP.
A reminder for all those not watching. The process for reviewi g claims cost them way way more then they ever saved.
A huge 60 % of rejected cases were over thrown by courts for failing to follow thier own rules.
And DWP is still refusing to release their imvestigation into the huge rise in suicides from claiments.
Anyone who thinks claiming PIP is to easy, is delusional.
The disabled community as a whole has spent the last 14 years stressed to the point of ill health and suicide through exactly the percecution Labour is planing to contine.
At some point the government has to actually look at what has happened to the last 40plus years of growth. Because the disabled or poor sure as hell did not get a fair share of it.
And a reminder to those less informed.
Most claiming PIP are actually working. PIP and its DLA predecessor are not intended as a income based benifit.
Their only purpose is to cover the extra costs disabled people must face to interact with the rest of society. Andbin genral do not come close to doing so.
How much could we save by simply scrapping the bureacratic overhead of administering this stuff? The amount of money spent to avoid the odd dodgy claim is false economy.
Yeah this was proven soon after the tories implemented the austerity measures on DWP.
At no poi t has it saved more then it cost. Even without the court cases they lose 60% off. Adding the cost of that makes it insane.
Both the number of rejected claims going to court. And the number the court says clearly qualify for PIP under DWP own rulea has gobe uo hugly since DLA was replaced with PIP
It’s certainly going well for the Americans. Or, we could just TAX THE RICH.
(Agree the govt shouldn’t be punching down yet again.)