I cant argue with someones’ nan’s facebook feed telling them outright lies, but there is a hell of alot of misinformation being peddled - and not just from anti-EV people. Some very pro-EV people also talk total shit. If you havnt considered it, why not?

  • esc27@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    My current car gets decent mileage and is still running fine. I’m interested in the Ford Maverick as a possible future replacement (occasionally need a truck and this one solves most of the problems (size, mileage, cost)), charging is not quite ubiquitous enough for comfort (yes I could probably make any long trip work, but that is just it, I’d have to make it work and plan the trip around charging, which adds a whole other source of anxiety and complication (as would rental vehicles) Once chargers are more common in airport parking decks and hotels (e.g. not just two in a corner…) that will go away.) many are quite expensive.